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As I would expect, my normal user account does not have the authorization to run the shutdown command. Here's what I don't understand: My system boots up to a non graphical login; I login as my normal user; I run "startxfce4" as my normal user; In xfce I can click the quit button in the main menu and it will shutdown my computer. Isn't xfce running under my user account? If so, how does it have the ability to shutdown the system?
Last edited by jjt3hii (2008-07-18 17:25:31)
xfce probably uses dbus to negotiate rights to allow a user to shutdown using its quit button... atleast i think so
Last edited by INCSlayer (2008-07-17 16:23:06)
dovie andi se tovya sagain
Isn't xfce running under my user account?
$ ll /usr/bin/Xorg
-rws--x--x 1 root root 1816672 2008-07-01 16:19 /usr/bin/Xorg
That "s" means xorg runs as root, so it has the permissions to shutdown.
So any command with permissions of atleast --s-----x can be executed by any defined user and will be executed with root authority?
Yep, google for "suid root".