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As many of you probably know, the beta version of Python (Py3k) has been out for a while.
I've decided to write a few tests and put it to the limit! (Well, sort of.)
I'm no expert, but the results speak for themselves;
q ~/Desktop $ ./
Starting Python tests!
Py2.x - No Optimization
Start Time: 1216840813.97
Benchmark 1: 6.35747790337
Benchmark 2: 6.20724105835
Benchmark 3: 6.18551802635
Benchmark 4: 6.18940997124
Benchmark 5: 6.18906211853
Average Run: 6.22574181557
Py2.x - With Psyco
Start Time: 1216840845.31
Benchmark 1: 2.65315485001
Benchmark 2: 2.73273706436
Benchmark 3: 2.72992992401
Benchmark 4: 2.73208212852
Benchmark 5: 2.71949505806
Average Run: 2.71347980499
Py3k - No Optimization
Start Time: 1216840858.93
Benchmark 1: 4.4160349369
Benchmark 2: 4.40270519257
Benchmark 3: 4.41088199615
Benchmark 4: 4.38550496101
Benchmark 5: 4.44915294647
Average Run: 4.41285600662
Finished tests!
The new beta Py3k performs consistently faster than the current stable version! I'm very excited about this!
Strangely enough, my system monitor showed that once Py3k took over, the memory usage dropped almost by half!
Of course, many parts of the language are far from complete (gui, network, profile related modules especially).
But it'll catch on..
I'm sure you guys wanted to see what code I used to test, and again, if it turns out that it's invalid - sorry! I'm not an expert.
(Edit: For the record: I didn't have any other running processes. This was done on an i686 Intel Pentium4 with 1 GB of ram.)
# A shell script to easily run the tests.
cd ~/Desktop
echo "Starting Python tests!"
/usr/local/bin/python3.0 test_3.x.py3k
echo "---"
echo "Finished tests!"
import time
# Only used in ONE of the tests! Please look at the results!
# import psyco
# psyco.full()
print("\n---\n[Python Version] [Type of test.]")
def test():
var = 0
for x in range(0,10000000):
var += (x+1)
while var > 1:
var -= var**3
def main():
start = time.time()
print("Start Time: %s" % start)
times = []
for y in range(1,6):
next = time.time()
next -= start
start += next
print("\tBenchmark %s: %s" % (y, next))
avg = 0
for z in times:
avg += z
avg /= len(times)
print("Average Run: %s" % avg)
I can't wait to see what the developer behind psyco can achieve with Py3k!!!
Afaik, he used a specialized JIT compilation technique using the py/C API that replaced python's native bytecode parsing method 'eval_frame' with his own magic.
It'll be interesting to see if the same technique can still be used!
Last edited by vsk (2008-07-23 19:32:54)
Good timing, considering that Py3 doesn't have a JIT.
But this kind of test is too artificial, not real use cases for most of things Python is used. Also, this script benefits greatly from the Psyco JIT, as it's simply calling the same function in a loop and doing nothing I/O intensive nor using memory.
I should add;
* File I/O (with and later without a buffer)
* Multi-threading
* Random stuff like; os.system Usage, var = os.walk('/'), zipfile Usage
* importing modules
* add more functions
* create classes within the test() scope (tee hee)
to test() to make it well-rounded, yes?
I'll give it a go!
If you intend to distribute your programs, be forewarned that psycho doesn't work on anything other than i386 machines. The psycho developer recommends PyPy instead for all architectures.
For you extremely brave souls out there, I have created a compilation of what must be the absolute worst, pointless, memory exhausting, CPU hogging, and badly styled Python functions in the known universe. It violates every sacred Pythonic law, maxed out my memory, swap, and CPU until I killed it, and I couldn't even get ONE cycle through.
Before you run this (yes, it is Py3k compatible) - please note that I warned you!! This is risky! Do this only if you have absolutely NOTHING better to do;
import time
print("\n---\nPy3k - No Optimization")
# The following Python code may cause brain damage, and stunt the
# development of logical programming skills. Be warned.
def test():
class DUMMY (str):
def __init__(self):
def __pow__(self):
def __div__(self):
import threading
except ImportError:
raise IOError
import os
import sys
import math
import platform
import subprocess
import distutils
import email
import pickle
obj = open("uyegrutyergtbueyrgtsuyregtbsueyrgtbkuerytnkuscyergnutksdysregtbufisyergtbfkusgytrbo",'a')
for q in range(0,10000000):
obj.write("%suyegrutyergtbueyrgtsuyregtbsueyrgtbkuerytnkuscyergnutksdysregtbufisyergtbfkusgytrbo\n" % q)
del obj
var = 0
for x in range(0,10000000):
var += (x+1)
while var > 1:
var -= var**2
obj = open("uyegrutyergtbueyrgtsuyregtbsueyrgtbkuerytnkuscyergnutksdysregtbufisyergtbfkusgytrbo", 'r')
junk = obj.readlines()
del var
def var(fp='/'):
mywalk = os.walk(fp)
while True:
crap = mywalk.__next__()
except AttributeError:
crap =
except StopIteration:
os.system("echo %s >> uyegrutyergtbueyrgtsuyregtbsueyrgtbkuerytnkuscyergnutksdysregtbufisyergtbfkusgytrbo" % crap)
arch_is_the_best = DUMMY()
t1 = threading.Thread(target=var)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=var)
def main():
start = time.time()
print("Start Time: %s" % start)
times = []
for y in range(1,6):
next = time.time()
next -= start
start += next
print("\tBenchmark %s: %s" % (y, next))
os.system("rm uyegrutyergtbueyrgtsuyregtbsueyrgtbkuerytnkuscyergnutksdysregtbufisyergtbfkusgytrbo")
avg = 0
for z in times:
avg += z
avg /= len(times)
print("Average Run: %s" % avg)
If you intend to distribute your programs, be forewarned that psycho doesn't work on anything other than i386 machines. The psycho developer recommends PyPy instead for all architectures.
Thank you for pointing this out.
For others who may use psyco, please note that you can safely do this;
#!/usr/bin/env python
import psyco
except ImportError:
This may get your code running much faster - or not.
Last edited by vsk (2008-07-23 21:48:15)
I should add;
* File I/O (with and later without a buffer)
* Multi-threading
* Random stuff like; os.system Usage, var = os.walk('/'), zipfile Usage
* importing modules
* add more functions
* create classes within the test() scope (tee hee)to test() to make it well-rounded, yes?
I'll give it a go!
Tests with strings would be nice too.
(lambda ())
Tests with strings would be nice too.
What sort of test(s)?
Translations to uppercase, lowercase and the sort?