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I have created a script which you can get at the linux discussion forum under the topic help with script or whatever that was is that i created... Anyways its pretty advanced in my opinion as i just did it today and yesterday for a bit.. Its just suposed to ask a few questions as it goes.. Ill eventually have it where you select everything you want backed up but its good for now.. Anyways i need some help with it and want to know how to make it into a package and put it in incoming and then you can all download it..
There are tutorials in the wiki and some info in the official install guide on how to create packages. man makepkg is a treasure trove of information too.
I just dont know how to create a package of a sh script... If thats in the manually ill try.. this is what i get though invalid charset name
Error executing formatting or display command.
System command (cd /usr/man && (echo ".pl 1100i"; /bin/gunzip -c '/usr/man/man8/makepkg.8.gz'; echo ".\""; echo ".pl n(nlu+10") | /usr/bin/gtbl | /usr/bin/nroff -Tlatin1 -mandoc | /bin/less -is) exited with status 256.
No manual entry for makepkg
see srcpac
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Pages: 1