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I installed clamav, mainly to check my Windows partition, but I see it's slightly out of date. It was last updated on 22nd May, but the latest stable release (0.93.3) came out on 23rd June. So I thought: this is a good opportunity to learn about ABS!
I already made xcompmgr with ABS -- I thought I'd start with something simple. But clamav might be a bit more involved, and it will be an update rather than a fresh build/install, so I have a few questions...
1. Is the ABS PKGBUILD script typically used to prepare the binary package found in the repository? (From my very limited understanding that would seem to make sense, but I'm sure it's more complicated than that!) Or does that apply only for certain AUR packages?
2. Related to 1, is a package assembled using the vanilla ABS script usually identical to (or very similar to?) the corresponding package in the repository?
3. Specifically for the clamav PKGBUILD:
a. There is no "replaces" line. Should I add replaces=('clamav-0.93-1') ?
b. The variable pkgrel appears not to be used currently. Should I change it to pkgrel=3 and add pkgrel to the first source line, thus: … rel.tar.gz (I verified that this file exists.) And of course the corresponding md5sum.
c. Does anything else need changing?
Although I'm just starting out with Linux and Arch and ABS, I can already tell the whole package manager / ABS system is pretty cool!
I can only answer question 3
3 a. There doesn't need to be a replace line, pacman knows it replaces the previous version of the package. The replaces line is more if package A replaces package B, not package A v1.0 by package A v1.1
b. The pkgrel variable shouldn't be in te source line. I think you can set it to one more that it is now but i don't believe you need to.
c. you don't need to change anything else i guess
If this is an update, set pkgrel as 1. It's the version of the package for a given version of the software (pkgver).
Thanks! I see I was misunderstanding the function of pkgrel. I will instead need to add ".3" to the source line to pick up the latest release.
does anyone know why clamav-0.93-1 is not updated? i would prefer to have a binary update without using abs.
thx & rgds
Last edited by hcjl (2008-07-31 12:07:01)
Pages: 1