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Have a KDE question and a pic would help better than a thousand words to describe the problem?
You might like to try this script out that helps by semi automating the screenshot process.
Original -1.00 -
Revision-1.01 - (stray extra ")
Save it to your user's bin directory or wherever you like in your path and don't forget to chmod +x it (I use the filename of screenie-post, myself)
Please note: This script assumes you are running KDE for your desktop environment.
To use it just enter in a terminal
screenie-post Filename-you-want
Here's what this little gem does:
1) Checks that you entered a "Filename-you-want" (see above). If you didn't it prompts you for one. Choose a filename without spaces, please, and no extension.
2) Checks to see if you have the required commands necessary (convert, mogrify and ksnapshot)
If you don't it will execute the necessay sudo pacman command to install the needed program
3) Shows you the filename you chose with the .jpg extension, you need this for a later step. Press the [ENTER] key
Counts down 5 seconds to allow you to minimize the konsole (or your term of choice) then uses ksnapshot to take the snapshot
You then save the snapshot file in your home directory.
4) Opens the saved file with gimp to allow you to add comments to the snapshot for clarifications. Be sure to save it with the same filename.ext and with some compression to make a reasonably smaller file.
5) Converts your jpg file to a png file for the next step as the thumbnail will be a png file
6) Creates the thumbnail file (reduces to a 20% sized picture)
7) Performs an ls -lh on the original file and the thumbnail for your information and reminds you to copy the files to your website.
8) Echos the text entry needed for the posting in Archlinux forums, if you change a line in the script to match your site it will even give the exact entry needed.
You can then cut and paste this into your Archlinux forums post
Last edited by archdave (2008-08-05 06:18:37)
Running GNU/Linux Arch (Core Dump) x86_64 on System Dell-a-zoid
on Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz
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