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#1 2008-08-12 04:04:10

From: ES, Brazil
Registered: 2006-03-24
Posts: 197

Off-topic section not available for outsiders

Hi people!

The Off-topic section is only visible when I am logged in. If I logout, I can't see it. I found that because I've sent the url from the photoshop thread (lots of good laughings) to a friend and he said that couldn't see it because he was not registered, acording to the message he got.

So, is it on purpose? I can't see why, so I'm asking here.

Satisfied users don't rant, so you'll never know how many of us there are.


#2 2008-08-13 06:38:34

Developer/Forum Fellow
From: Montreal, Canada
Registered: 2004-08-20
Posts: 5,212

Re: Off-topic section not available for outsiders

Yes, it is. The reason is that sometime threads in off-topics can degenerate because they can be of political/religious nature.  Such threads are not allowed but we can't check the forum 24hr/day.  Other threads in off-topics are  pointless blabber.  We don't want prospective users who are browsing the forums to know if Arch is OK for them or are searching help on installing it to see these posts.  They can give a bad first impression of Arch.  Once they register, we assume they have a better idea of the Arch community and realize that these threads are a minority.

Your friends will need to register is they want to see the photoshop thread.


#3 2008-08-13 18:30:32

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: Off-topic section not available for outsiders

Also, would you really like the front page google results for "arch linux forums" to contain a post like "ZOMG Tom Cruise sucks!"


#4 2008-08-13 18:35:26

Registered: 2008-05-28
Posts: 239

Re: Off-topic section not available for outsiders

phrakture wrote:

Also, would you really like the front page google results for "arch linux forums" to contain a post like "ZOMG Tom Cruise sucks!"

Is that a trick question? wink


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