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@ Blackhole
Here my fonts:
toad@archie ~> pacman -Qs ttf
local/sdl_ttf 2.0.9-1
A library that allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications
local/ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-6
Bitstream vera fonts
local/ttf-cheapskate 2.0-5
TTFonts collection from
local/ttf-dejavu 2.28-1
Font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts with a wider range of characters
local/ttf-fireflysung 1.4.2-1
firefly embedded (truetype) bitmap font
local/ttf-freefont 20090104-1
A set of free high-quality TrueType fonts covering the UCS character set
local/ttf-inconsolata 20070831-2
Monospace font for pretty code listings and for the terminal
local/ttf-isabella 1.003-3
Historic Isabella TTFont - based on Isabella Breviary, made around 1497, in Holland, for Isabella of
Castille, the first queen of united Spain
local/ttf-junicode 0.6.15-1
Junius-Unicode TTFont - for medieval latin scripts
local/ttf-liberation 1.04-1
Red Hats Liberation fonts
local/ttf-linux-libertine 4.1.8-1
Serif and Grotesk (Sans Serif) for practical use in documents
local/ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-2
Core TTF Fonts from Microsoft
I think you need only the Bitstream Vera and ttf-liberation. Not sure about M$.
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
This is the only I've changed:
Thanks a lot. The Bitstream Vera looks better, but what's that Font called "Anonymous" you have for "fixed width"? Where did you get it from? Is it a package?
And did you set your DPI in xorg.conf? When I compare my screen with your screenshot, it seems as if my fonts were smaller / more compressed in width.
Thanks to toad as well. I have most of these font packages installed. The very good beginners guide is recommending them anyway. *thumbsupfortheguide*
Last edited by blackhole (2009-02-17 11:53:59)
Coming closer and closer to the ultimate goal: replacing boring old Windows XP desktop with shiny new Arch KDE 4 desktop. ^^
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Oh, btw...
@adamruss: I love your cube/cylinder background image. Is it downloadable somewhere?
Coming closer and closer to the ultimate goal: replacing boring old Windows XP desktop with shiny new Arch KDE 4 desktop. ^^
Already registered? Your vote counts!
Here's mine, nothing too fancy:
I don't use omploader anymore. They've in the past have changed images printing things like, "I am gay" to some people photos. Drat!
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
Here's my laptop's kde4 desktop. I have a relatively normal layout for my home computer, but for the laptop I went minimalistic. Did away with the panel completely. Also, got the video screen in there for how I watch DVD's at work.
Here's the big version:
I am a flying cow. Worship me, or DIE!!!
...and there he was, reigning supreme at number two
The One... The Only... The Unabeefer.
Welcome Captain!
I'd be interested what you did to get that status bar underneath your taskbar! Care to share the secret
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
Welcome Captain!
I'd be interested what you did to get that status bar underneath your taskbar! Care to share the secret smile
Just a simple conky. Not much of a secret
If you like I could post it here.
Cool! Yes, despite the fact that my mobo just conked out on me I certainly wouldn't mind a gentle introduction to conky (which appears to be somewhat of a holy grail to the common archer but has as yet eluded my simple soul).
never trust a toad...
::Grateful ArchDonor::
::Grateful Wikipedia Donor::
There you go!
pacman -S conky and save this code as .conkyrc in your home dir and run conky.
To get the same font I use look for Bauhaus.ttf at
#own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
draw_borders no
border_margin 0
border_width 3
draw_outline no
default_outline_color 777777
draw_shades yes
gap_x 0
gap_y 24
alignment top_left
update_interval 1
default_color 9F9F9F
#default_shade_color 359748
own_window_colour 000000
use_xft yes
xftfont bauhaus:pixelsize=12
#to prevent window from moving
use_spacer left
minimum_size 1680 20
double_buffer true
top_cpu_separate false
draw_graph_borders no
${voffset -8} ${offset 110} Kernel: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${kernel} ${color} | ${color} Uptime: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${uptime_short}${color} | CPU1: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1 8,60} ${color} | CPU2: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2 8,60} ${color} | RAM: ${color e7e7e7}${font}$memperc% ${membar 8,60} ${color}${mem} ${color} | ${color} NET: ${color e7e7e7}${font} ${downspeedgraph eth0 12,40} ${downspeed eth0} Kb/s ${color} ${totaldown eth0} downloaded ${color} ${color} ${color e7e7e7} ${upspeedgraph eth1 12,40} ${upspeed eth0} Kb/s ${color} ${totalup eth0} uploaded${color} | ${color}Root: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${fs_free /} ${color} Home: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${fs_free /home} ${color} Musik: ${color e7e7e7}${font}${fs_free /home/rw/Musik} ${color} | TOP ${color e7e7e7}${top name 1}
${color 0088CB} ${hr 3}
edit: of course u'll have to set your cpus, partitions and wlan -if you use wlan- accordingly to your pc's setup. just erase/edit some lines and mess around with
killall conky i.e. conky
Last edited by CaptainHero (2009-05-12 18:45:47)
KDE 4. Work in progress. I need to add some conky.
There's a nice plasmoid called 'hide the stupid cashew' or something like that, in one of the kdemod packages, if you want to get rid of the widget in the top right
I don't much care for KDE or KDEmod, but I agree that there should be more than one screenshot thread. (And maybe a new one for xmonad )
urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand
kdemod, ikon_2 icons, rechy2k004 (something like that). the wallpaper was made from a much smaller image.
hey i ran across a wall that reminded me of you so saved it for you.. maybe you can use it
fuscia wrote:kdemod, ikon_2 icons, rechy2k004 (something like that). the wallpaper was made from a much smaller image.
hey i ran across a wall that reminded me of you so saved it for you.. maybe you can use it
hahaha! that's hilarious. i'm sure it'll make the rotation. thanks.
Ah, so we're talking about bleeding edge desktop....
Ah, so we're talking about bleeding edge desktop....
which plasma theme are you using? U'r systray is very nice integrated in panel....
It's Glaze. However, be aware that I'm on 4.3, might behave slightly different on 4.2.x.
(In theory, that smooth systray is a bug, due to theme not being updated for 4.3. .... yes, there are good bugs )
Last edited by Xabre (2009-05-20 11:08:18)
KDE 4. Work in progress. I need to add some conky.
Wallpaper please? I love your setup
Stop the world, I get off...