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Hi all,
I have finally taken the plunge and have decided to write my Master's thesis (social sciences) using Latex. For my bibliography, I am going to use Zotero.
What I would like to do is this:
+ Set up a simple version control system for a folder containing all my latex file. It will not be a collaborative piece, so I only need to be able to go back to previous versions and compare the changes in the new version to these.
+ Backup the contents of this folder and my zotero bibliography to a remote server so that I have a second copy somewhere else in case my hd fails. (If anyone has a recommandation for a free place out there that offers even less than 1GB, I would really appreciate.)
+ Automate the backing up process.
I have looked at options such as svn + apache (maybe overkill?) and git, but since I am not so technically proficient, setting up such a system is likely to require quite a big investment of time. I don't mind that, but I would rather not have to realize half-way through that the solution I've chosen is not going to work. That is why I would appreciate if you guys/gals could point me towards the system that would, in your opinion, best suit my needs.
Thank you very much for your time.
I don't know about version control so someone else would need to speak to that...
As far as the other questions are concerned -- some suggestions:
I use a hosting service that lets me use jailed ssh so I can just backup everything using rsync over ssh. It works great! If you don't want to pay for hosting you might investigate something like gmailfs. I've never used it myself but it sounds kind of cool. It should be easy to automate either method with a simple script (+ cron, if you want).
rdiff-backup is another good option -- it's like rsync + version control in one, but you need to be able to execute commands on the remote server to be able to use that.
Last edited by fwojciec (2008-08-25 17:55:23)
I would suggest using 'git' for the version control system. Does exactly what you are asking for. You could also setup the remote server/location as a 2nd git repository so that when you 'push' your changes you get a local copy and also an external backup. I use git with a lighttpd server and git-web to browse my university projects visually.
I, too, am searching for something for this exact task. I've got a large volume of unversioned latex files and need to keep previous revisions. I have even though of taking it further and using this on my ~/Docs directory and not just my thesis files. Does anyone have a wiki or doc explaining how to set this up? Also, how do you edit documents and make sure changes are labeled properly?
As mentioned, git is perfect for this task. And if you set up a repo at one of the free git hosts, then you don't have to worry about your hd dying either. Also, you woudn't need to worry about automatic backup either, since you would do a git commit && git push anyway, after making some changes to your project.
For hosting, take a look at and github. Both of them are highly regarded, with several major projects hosted.
Last edited by Mr.Elendig (2008-08-26 13:32:56)
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
iBertus: Nice to know I am not alone with this issue. I will report back later once I find some more information or when I finally have a working setup.
Mr. Elendig + xen: That sounds absolutely perfect. I will spend some time to get acquainted with git. I am sure it will suit my needs. Also thanks for the hosting suggestions.
fwojciec: I will also look at your suggestions. gmailfs does indeed look pretty cool. Also, I had been looking for a general backup solution. So the apps you mentioned might come in handy.
Thanks all for your time.
I wrote a guide entitled git for the lazy which might be helpful. It doesn't say much anything about distributed development, but it should be good for getting started.
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