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does anyone use a patched kernel? like low latency?
just wondering,
my guess would be yes. possibly orelien, BluePhoenyx or Rouslan.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
well i use a few patches in my kernel like the pre-empt patch
Freedom is what i love
me too
low latency with JACK rules!
a makepkg for building a kernel with the pre-empt patch is on the forum somewhere. (though that one is for 2.4.19)
apt-get install arch
if someone could post a like to their "favorite" kernel patch, that would be helpful. I dont know which one is the best and if i use a certain patch do i need to do anything else (as in a second patch).
Or if you want to really make me happy you could post your PKGBUILD file.
I'm trying to do this on a P2 300mzh IBM laptop with 128megs of ram. I dont use many programs at once just abiword, xmms, and rox. And the swap usage almost never climbs above 10-20 megs.
Actually, to let you know and make you VERY HAPPY, arch linux runs faster on the laptop then windows 2k, in windows the hd light is on almost constantly. But in arch even when playing MP3s the light is not on all the time.
Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
never mind, i did it my self. it was easy. now the disto should be called SUPERArchLinux (all one word...LOL)
great job people!
Pages: 1