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Hello again,
With ArchLinux I get the option to choose packages. I do not want to choose anything and don't know what half of those packages are to say the least. All I want for now is ONLY the core system. How do I go about doing this. I've read the Beginner's guide and this is what they tell me:
Select an installation source
After a welcome screen, you will be prompted for an installation source. Choose the appropriate source for the installer you are using.
If you chose the CORE installer, continue below with Prepare Hard Drive.
FTP/HTTP only: You shall be prompted to load ethernet drivers manually, if desired. Udev is quite effective at loading the required modules, so you may assume it has already done so. You may verify this by invoking ifconfig -a from vc/3. (Select OK to continue.)
Problem is I do not know how to select only the CORE system so to speak.
The archlinux installer only installes the core system. The rest you have to add later.
The archlinux installer only installes the core system. The rest you have to add later.
Thank you!
This point is covered in the Beginners' Guide.
Follow it closely, and you should do pretty well.
Pages: 1