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#1 2004-07-13 08:23:03

From: ChongQing, China
Registered: 2004-01-04
Posts: 360

ABS and patch question?

I put patch.diff file into the same folder with PKGBUILD, but I have to write this line in the PKGBUILD to patch file:
patch -p1 < ../../patch.diff
instead of
patch -Np  -i ../patch.diff,
but if I use pkg.patch, then I can use the above without problem.
I know makepkg command will uncompress the source tarball into src/pkgname. I am wondering is there any better way to patch a file with diff file.
Thanks for your reply such stupid question.


#2 2004-07-17 14:34:12

From: Charlotte, NC, USA
Registered: 2004-04-08
Posts: 84

Re: ABS and patch question?

ganlu wrote:

patch -p1 < ../../patch.diff
instead of
patch -Np  -i ../patch.diff,
is there any better way to patch a file with diff file

You need the name "patch.diff" in the list of files on the PKGBUILD line that begins with "source="

That will cause your patch file to be copied into the working directory.

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