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Ok, I updated everything with pacman, and I decide to reboot my machine. Now network won't start. I'm using the nvnet module for ethernet. i'm dazed and confused. . . anyone encounter this before?
if you upgraded kernel and use lilo you must run $ lilo , before reboot,
otherwise I don't know. wrong driver?
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
hmm, does pacman -Syu upgrade the kernel? if it does, my problem is obvious. the nvnet drivers do not work under 2.6.x, only 2.4.x. if this is the case i need to learn how to get my network card running under kernel 2.6. so i have two questions, how can i find out what kernel i am using, and how can i check the log that the kernel (im guessing here) creates on startup?
take a look at this thread , especially the last part … ight=nvnet
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
your kernel of choice is in the bootmanagers conf
/etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
lol, i ran modprobe nvnet, and it said Hint: . . . this module has unresolved symbols . . . only your vendor can help you now. Ah, I love linux. And i'm using kernel 2.4 anyway. I've decided that while I have the internet resources, and the caffeine to keep me alive while for awhile, that i'm going to reinstall arch with the 2.6 kernel and only the base package set, then do an upgrade from there. Wish me luck! And I hope this forcedeth thing works out. thank you xerxes2, you are really helping me out here.
if you are going to reinstall , yes it's smart to just install base first then reboot check if forcedeath works, then install xorg(check wikis) it's no big deal.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
jesus! i must have racked up some good karma somewhere. i got ethernet to run as soon as i rebooted after my install. wow. i gotta say that again. wow. now i just need to edit my pacman.conf to reflect the changes in the package repositories. i will look up the new format, but if you could tell me, i might be able to save some time if i cant find the info in my initial sweep.
hawaii must be around 3am now, hacker time.....
if internet works can you just run pacman -Syu , no?
Edit: it could help to run pacman -Sy pacman first ,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
it's 2:32 am here now. Ok, I have a question, I upgraded all of the base packages just fine, including pacman. Now I want to add all of the other packages that come with the full cd, such as, and everything else. Is there an easy command to do this with? -Syu will not add all of the extra packages that are oh-so-helpful
first thing to do now is to install and configure xorg. check the wikis.
after that you install openbox and after that you continue with firefox and whatever you want!
pacman installs all deps also so you don't need to think about that.
you can use the front page of this site to search for packages , it's easier than using pacman.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
alright, thanks. i guess its better this way, rather than installing a bunch of packages at once, ot be ignored by me. i hope to learn something this way. i hope to learn something always.
edit: what is openbox used for?
openbox is that DE you installed before. You could also install xfce4
pacman -S xfce4 , very good DE!!!!
first xorg!
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
ok, i got xorg installed, and configured (by hand). what about gnome? and is there a way to effectively use multiple DE's? so that i could experiment with a more minimalistic DE, while retaining the beautiful GUI that you just need sometime? if there isn't a way, i'll go with fluxbox, i'd rather have the minimalistic capability.
I hope you have added a user and a root password now!!!!
In your /home/GGO/.xinitrc are your DEs.
when you startx it starts that DE that is uncomment in there. You can install 10 DEs if you want. You just uncomment that DE you wanna start.
As I said before, all packages can be found on the frontpage and they are installed by that name. eg mozilla-firefox , there are also groups, eg gnome-extra , that installs a bunch of stuff.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
w00t, thanks. maybe i will write a script to quickly change my DE. but not now, another day.
openbox is that DE
just a bit of a correction.... openbox is window manager not a DE.
desktop environments are far more robust with their own daemons, libraries, terminals, file mangers, etc. XFCE4, KDE and Gnome are examples of DE's.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
thanks for the info, it's always good to know what you are talking about
hmmm, and Shakespeare was a german with one hell of an english translation team behind him....
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Pages: 1