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Pages: 1
Hello, i have been trying to solve this issue but it just keeps getting back. It is VERY annoying, any help would be appretiated.
So zsh is really scrweing with me since i installed zsh-yaourt, it's a package with yaourt completition abilities(like pacman completition). Since then i have been getting this annoying error "_cache_invalid:19: _path_commands_caching_policy: function definition file not found" it happens every time i wanna auto-complete a program command like pacman "pacm_cache_invalid:19: _path_commands_caching_policy: function definition file not found". I found that i got a new directory on my .zsh/ called cache. Everytime i delete it (~/.zsh/cache) everything get's ok but only at that terminal if i open a new one, the directory is created again and the issue comes again.
Whats inside of cache is a file, /cache/[myhostname]/command-descriptions , which inside it is "_command_descriptions=( )" .
I have no clue what is causing this error neither how to solve it. Any ideas are apreciated. Thanks In Advance.
Pages: 1