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#1 2008-10-21 23:11:52

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 2

[SOLVED] ACPI events not registering in /var/log/messages.log

A little background: For years I ran Gentoo and under that distro had everything working on the same laptop. ACPI, suspend, hibernate, all the stuff that usually causes so much hair loss. Due to various reasons a few months ago I moved away from Linux. Recently I have decided to start to move back toward Linux. But not wanting to deal with compile times I decided to try Arch. So far it's been nice (about two days or so), and easily configured with one exception.

ACPI... acpid starts without errors. acpi_listen displays output for the lid, power button, and sleep button. However dmesg doesn't log any events. Needless to say the script isn't functioning.

The acpi events file logs entries when the acpid service isn't running, and is marked as in use when it is.

For reference, acpi_cpufreq is working without a hitch.

I'm thinking that either acpid isn't functioning right, or (more likely) I'm missing a config or a kernel module somewhere.

If anyone has any ideas, or needs more specific info, command outputs, file contents, let me know and I'll get them up post haste.

Last edited by shaidtan (2008-10-22 00:57:27)


#2 2008-10-21 23:33:19

From: Kanuckistan
Registered: 2003-07-28
Posts: 510

Re: [SOLVED] ACPI events not registering in /var/log/messages.log

I hope this isn't a stupid post, but you made no mention of /var/log/acpid.log.  Have you checked there?
PS: Welcome to the forums.


#3 2008-10-22 00:56:23

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED] ACPI events not registering in /var/log/messages.log

peart, many thanks

On your suggestion I ran tail -f /var/log/acpi.log. There I found that the acpi events were being logged (which brought back to memory that it's the acpi handling scripts that log to /var/log/messages.log). The script was exiting with status code 2 (which brought back to memory that you shouldn't play with scripts when you're too tired to see straight). Once that was fixed, the script was exiting with status code 0.

I decided to try as root. I have always configured the power button to turn off the display, so I gave it a go and it worked. Logging in as a normal user it didn't work. Then it hit me. There's a line that's required in the .xinitrc file of non-root users in order for acpi scripts to run properly.

xhost +local:0 > /dev/null &

That was the most important part (the rest is either in the wiki or due to my own script-breaking skill set).

So again my thanks. And thanks for the welcome.


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