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About 6-7 months ago I was trying to get coreavc working with my Freevo media center. I spent alot of time working on this and actually got it working.
After the latest python 2.6 (and other) updates the mplayer-coreavc interaction seems to be broken. This means that my HD movies are showing really bad performance etc. So I decided to reinstall Mplayer to see if this fixed the issues. The problem is that I have to use a patched mplayer and the PKGBUILD I used 6 months ago doesn't work anymore.
This is the PKGBUILD I used the last time (thanks to genkipseudo):
# Mplayer-svn-coreavc
# mplayer-svn patched with support for coreavc
# Modified : me
# Original PKGBUILD by below-----
# Maintainer: Tom Killian <>
# Contributor: lucke <lucke at o2 dot pl>
pkgdesc="A movie player for linux"
depends=('libmad' 'libungif' 'cdparanoia' 'gtk2' 'sdl' 'xvidcore'
'lame' 'libtheora' 'faac' 'libxxf86dga' 'libxv' 'libgl'
'smbclient' 'aalib' 'lirc-utils' 'x264>=20071202-1'
makedepends=('subversion' 'pkgconfig' 'libcaca' 'unzip' 'live-media' 'libdts')
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
cd $startdir/src
svn co $_svntrunk $_svnmod --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver
cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
cd $_svnmod-build
unset CFLAGS
./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --with-extraincdir=/usr/lib/live-media \
--enable-gui --enable-runtime-cpudetection --enable-largefiles --enable-menu \
--enable-x11 --enable-gl --language=all \
--disable-libdv --disable-liblzo --disable-speex --disable-fribidi --disable-arts \
--disable-dvdnav --disable-openal --disable-musepack --disable-esd --disable-mga
[ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && sed 's|-march=i486|-march=i686|g' -i config.mak
# Lines for coreavc-for-linux
cd $startdir/src
svn co $_coreavctrunk $_coremod
cp -r $_coremod $_coremod-copy
cd $_coremod-copy
make -C dshowserver
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
cp dshowserver/dshowserver $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
cp loader/registercodec $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
cd $startdir/src/$_svnmod-build
patch -p0 < $startdir/src/$_coremod-copy/mplayer/dshowserver.patch
# End of lines for coreavc-for-linux
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
cp etc/{codecs.conf,input.conf,example.conf} $startdir/pkg/etc/mplayer
ln -s /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf
rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/font
mv $startdir/src/Blue $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/skins/default
rm -rf ../$_svnmod-build
When I tried to compile this I got an error late in the process that something couldn't be found or was missing (I'm at work now so I can't quite remember). Can anyone here "update" the build so that the latest version of Mplayer gets patched? Or help me on the way? I don't have alot of experience with compiling so I've really hit a brick wall here.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
See if this helps:
Ah, I'll check it out as soon as I get home!
Thanks skottish. I didn't know it was in user repositories.
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