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Pages: 1
well, ever since the 3.2 version of samba, i've been having problems. so i need a pkgbuild for the previous 3.0 version, so i can make the old pkg since there isnt one in the repo anymore
need help with this
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well, i dont have it in my cache anymore to downgrade, i cleared my cache after it was upgraded before i realized i had problems, yay
i tried the svn thing for the pkgbuild, and can't get it to build, it fails patching the makefile
so now im searching teh other repos for the previous x64 package
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well, i found an old version, not quite the previous, but the one prior. ended up having to make a symlink to a file to get samba working, now i just hope i can access my stuff from my xbox again, maybe my desktop too
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Pages: 1