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ok I was wanting to learn more about how a linux os works so... I was going to do a Linux from scratch.
One question:
Can you install pacman on a different linux os other than arch?
If so, then where could I get it. I don't see it in AUR.
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For sure.
See this wiki entry: … her_distro
Specifically you're looking at the first section, which covers installing pacman.static.
Madly in love with Arch64, Openbox, DotA, and of course... penguins!
Happy to help if you're not a Help Vampire. Use your wonderful resources like ArchWiki, Google, and our wonderful search page.
thank you. I see to have a hard time finding wikis for some reason.
The link is appeciated
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If you are thinking of doing a Linux from Scratch build with pacman, have a look at DIYLinux. From memory, it is a bit out of date, but it is basically LFS with pacman.
Pages: 1