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First I added the [kde-unstable] repo to install kde4.2, but i got an error with some conflicts, then i removed the repo and tried to install KDE 4.1.3 and again file conflicts. So i decided to install KDEmod unstable. The conflict error I got here was much less so here it is:
(327/327) checking for file conflicts [---------------------] 100%
error: could not prepare transaction
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
/usr/share/apps/cmake/modules/CTestTestfile.cmake exists in both 'kdemod-kdebase-runtime' and 'kdemod-kdebase-workspace'
/usr/share/apps/cmake/modules/cmake_install.cmake exists in both 'kdemod-kdebase-runtime' and 'kdemod-kdebase-workspace'
/usr/share/apps/kdevappwizard/templates/qmake_qt4guiapp.tar.bz2 exists in both 'kdemod-kdesdk-kapptemplate' and 'kdemod-kdevelop'
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
can anyone help?
I got faster help in the Ubuntu Forums...! just add the "-f" for forcing the packages
Last edited by gjoellee (2008-12-29 11:41:55)
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