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Hi everybody. It seems that the Lowarch home page expired at the turn of the year, which means the original ISO (from a looong time ago ) isn't available any longer. And that's a shame, since it is possible to hopscotch an old Lowarch system back up to current, either through recompiling or through the use of outside repositories.
If you're interested in putting a rendition of Arch on an i586 machine, I posted a torrent for my copy of the ISO on LinuxTracker, and a full copy of the ISO as a direct download here.
I know it's not terrifically popular, but it will help if you want to resurrect an old machine, Arch-style.
Linux user No. 409907
Hi k.mandla,
unfortunately has been unreachable to [I hope 'to' is the right preposition] me recently.
I would really like to remaster lowarch with core packages from But first I need to compile some other i586 packages and find a hosting for a new i586 repository.
I would like to take this opportunity to see if there is enough interest from the community in a new i586 installation CD and a repository.
If people are willing to cooperate building packages and providing mirrors (even "slow" adsl mirrors could be useful thanks to powerpill I could try to setup a google project and start building more packages.
I noticed that today too -- there must be some kind of technical error because I used those repos only two weeks ago, and they were working fine. I can access the directories, but everthing seems to be gone. I hope it's only temporary.
I don't know how many people would be interested in an i586 repository, but occasionally it gets mentioned. I would like to see one.
Linux user No. 409907
I created a Google code project for an i586 port. For the moment it only contains a link to k.mandla torrent for lowarch and a little bit of info on the project.
During the next two weeks I'll try to setup a PC for compiling packages for i586 and a first primitive (on adsl connectivity) repository.
Is there a link? I searched Google code, but couldn't find anything related.
Linux user No. 409907
Ops.. I forgot the link
Just an update to tell our friend willing to install arch on an i586 that I got in touch with Karolina and now her repository is up again.
I also finished setting up a Pentium 4 @ 2.53 GHz for compiling i586 packages, so things are starting to move and I promise some first concrete results during next week
great effort...
Just an update to tell our friend willing to install arch on an i586 that I got in touch with Karolina and now her repository is up again.
I also finished setting up a Pentium 4 @ 2.53 GHz for compiling i586 packages, so things are starting to move and I promise some first concrete results during next week
Cool, thanks. I do have an actual honest-to-god K6-2 laptop on the shelf across the room; right now I keep the i586 version of Crux on it, but I'm willing to subject it to experiments.
Linux user No. 409907
I rebuilt that K6-2 with Lowarch, and jumped up to the versions in the repository. proc, I see on the Google Code page where you have been rebuilding packages; did you upload them anywhere?
Linux user No. 409907
proc, I see on the Google Code page where you have been rebuilding packages; did you upload them anywhere?
Not yet; I would like to recompile klibc and kernel first.
But if you need some more up to date packages I can prepare the repository first.
I will use the SVN of google code to host the repository (I saw this has already been done e.g.
Sweet. Thanks k.mandla. Just d'led and am going to try it on an old cyrix/ibm 150mhz box..
Wish me luck!
Is the project still alive? I have no way to connect the following urls for further reference:
'k.mandla suggestions' [ … n-an-i586/]
'Reported' [ … -arch-i586]
'Repository' []
I plan to try arch linux i586 on a desknote with via samuel 2 cpu, so I wanna know if the essential information is up to date ...
Offline works for me.
Btw is Karolina's repository, not mine.
For the moment this is the only i586 repository available, but I'm going to create my own repository. Infact my project is based on Lowarch and Karolina's work, but aims at replacing Lowarch with a new installation CD and provide a proper repository with some mirrors.
Unfortunately I didn't have much spare time during last days (and had to struggle to compile some packages), but I have more than 250 packages compiled for i586.
Next steps are testing the kernel port and putting a first, incomplete repository up.
Cheers, Proc
Last edited by proc (2009-01-22 13:37:24)
OK - I installed lowarch w/the iso provided by k.mandla. Everything's fine. Installed only all the core pkgs. I am a little confused about adding Karolina repo for core, community & extra in pacman.conf. All I see in pacman.conf is a [current] entry? Why is that there and not a core, community and extra? And can I just remove that and add core, comm, extra to Karolina's repo? Or should I change the [current] entry to also point to Karolina and also add core, extra, comm to Karolina?
Thanks for any help on this
My best explanations of what I did to get my K6-2 running are here: … n-an-i586/
If you manually (conventionally?) download the pacman, gcc-libs, glibc, bash, kernel-headers, tzdata, libarchive, acl, attr and libdownload packages from Karolina's repository, you can force-install those into a Lowarch system and bring pacman up to date. After that, it can communicate with her repo in the normal fashion. But you have to manually bump it up first.
After that, reboot and edit the kernel boot line to change everything to the sdXY numbering system; Lowarch used only hdXY but the system upgrades will cause the sdXY naming convention to take effect.
You'll get an error message when you boot because your /etc/fstab still lists everything as hdXY too, but remount the drive rescue-style with read-write access, and edit fstab from there. You should edit /boot/grub/menu.lst too and change that as well, or you'll have to edit the kernel boot line again.
After that fix your locales at /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen. I'd install base-devel, abs and anything else you want.
After that, proc's repository will be a better source, or at least it sounds that way. Karolina's packages miss xorg-server-utils, but you can install them off the Lowarch CD along with the dependencies -- liblbxutil, libxaw, libxpm, libxp, printproto, libxtrap, trapproto.
You'll need a video driver, and then you can install xorg. After that, I come up empty-handed because X won't configure for me, claiming there's no, or something, and that's usually where I stop anyway. See if you can manually recompile some of these things, and if you could, let me know. I was getting "unable to create executables" errors when I tried.
Of course, you have a console system at this point, and if your machine is quite old, that might be all you want. Put irssi, mc, elinks, htop, dvtm and a few other things on there, and you'll never know it wasn't graphical.
I think that's all I have for notes. This is why Zim is such a great thing, isn't it?
P.S.: If you're thinking this is too much work for an Arch system, just put Crux on it instead. You'll change your mind in a matter of an hour or two.
Last edited by k.mandla (2009-01-29 11:59:13)
Linux user No. 409907
I wanted to let you know that I have an almost complete core repository (need to compile some wi-fi related packages) which is updated at yesterday.
This evening I will test it another time and then post all the relevant information here and on the project's page.
P.S. I'm not sure "updated at yesterday" is the correct way to express the idea that the repository was updated yesterday and not today (yet). If you have corrections and/or suggestions of better expressions I would really be happy to hear them from you.
As I promised the core repository is up. See for more details.
Excellent work indeed !
Being unable to access the famous repository, I started to build the core repository on 20090201, but still struggling to fix those "failed" builds
I wanted to let you know that I have an almost complete core repository (need to compile some wi-fi related packages) which is updated at yesterday.
This evening I will test it another time and then post all the relevant information here and on the project's page.
P.S. I'm not sure "updated at yesterday" is the correct way to express the idea that the repository was updated yesterday and not today (yet). If you have corrections and/or suggestions of better expressions I would really be happy to hear them from you.
Marvelous !
This time, I can read the directory of your core repository
Thanks a lot !
As I promised the core repository is up. See for more details.
Great, I'm going to get started on this too. Cheers and thanks!
Linux user No. 409907
are there a new iso?
i just install from that old lowarch iso and tryin ti download the packages from karilinas repo but its extremly slow about 2Kb/s... are there any faster repo?
oh got it from here:
Last edited by killajoe (2009-02-17 13:10:32)
Cancel me not -- for what then shall remain?
Abscissas, some mantissas, modules, modes, A root or two, a torus and a node:
The inverse of my verse, a null domain.
-- Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad
No new ISO yet... today the new official 2009.02 ISO has been released. As soon as I have some spare time I'll start converting it to i586, but first I need to setup another VIA C3 machine to test the ISO and kernel updates on.
is it planned to build xorg packages? if yes i can do my best to help caus i would like to install fluxbox on 3 thinkpad 600e noteies ...
Cancel me not -- for what then shall remain?
Abscissas, some mantissas, modules, modes, A root or two, a torus and a node:
The inverse of my verse, a null domain.
-- Stanislaw Lem, The Cyberiad
Xorg packages are now in extra.
I'm currently building new kernel version (don't know if I'll be able to test it now).
Killajoe I'm glad you'd like to help me. Would you mind waiting a few days before building the packages you need? I would like to clean my configuration a bit and then share my build scripts with you.
I think this is the best way to be sure that your packages will be compatible with mine and vice-versa.
Awesome work! I have an old k6 box that's just begging to be made into a dedicated SNES (and others) emulation machine... just have to figure out how to configure X to use my controller as a mouse...
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