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as I've normally got weechat running next to MOC running next to canto (great non-gui feedreader) running next to my normal urxvt, I thought it might be better to have different icons for the applications in the gnome-taskbar.
So in man it says there would be a option called "-icon" but it seems the manpage is outdated, as the option is seemingly now called "-n" or "-iconName".
Anyways I cant get them working. Tried "urxvt -n /path/to/icon.svg -e canto" or "urxvt -n liferea -e canto" (canto doesn't have it's own icon and I like the liferea icon )
I tried installing the rxvt-unicode-afterimage package from AUR but it's not changing anything markable.
Any idea how I might get the -n command to work? Or any other workaround?
You were very close You have to use the libafterimage enabled version of urxvt and then use the -iconFile resource.
Put that in your ~/.Xdefaults
URxvt*iconFile: /usr/share/icons/Tango/32x32/apps/gnome-terminal.png
Use "urxvt -name IRC -e weechat" to start your weechat session and put the following in your ~/.Xdefaults
IRC*iconFile: /usr/share/icons/Tango/32x32/apps/internet-group-chat.png
Works perfectly
Thanks ijanos!