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Most likely all AL users are familiar with /archlinux/setup when installing Archlinux from CD or FTP. Here is a modified version of setup for day-to-day use when installing and removing packages. It can also be used for editing config files and configuring network.
I didn't make any changes in the "editing" or "donetwork" script (waiting for setup 0.5 to be released). "Selectpkg" is changed and "removepkg" is new.
To run pcm.exp-0.1 ( based on setup-0.4 scripts) it doesn't work on the latest dialog version. If you have installed dialog-0.9b, you need to remove it and re-install dialog-0.7-2. You can download the older version from amlug website.
oh my god! a helper package !!!
this looks just like how RPM started out
Nice work though, some helper packages are more than welcome
apt-get install arch
We'll remember pcm as the pacman interface before pacman interfaces were supposed to be created (with shared libraries). Not saying I'll use it, but kudos to you.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
darn guis
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
darn guis
I agree but when seeing few of my friends, including myself when using pcm, they began to install / utilize also other packages than what they installed during AL's installation.
A GUI "pacman" helps users to know what packages are available thereby extending their utilization of AL. PCM allows users to select all (installed and unistalled packages ) or only display uninstalled packages. Before selection they select either current or unofficial. These views of package lists minimize the information currently used websites (current and unofficial) are providing. The websites are good but make users (some of us) overwhelmed with information for "day-to-day" usages. In general, users are less interested in "what they have" or "what're available (full list)" but want to know "what packages are available beside what they already have".
In pcm.exp-0.2 I will try to incorporate the short description of each packages when displaying uninstalled packages.
i guess.
anyway good work but you should also think of adding the unstable tree too it is not very stocked as of yet but i will be moving some applications from unofficial to unstable and i think Blaasvis was thinking of implimenting a unstable gnome version too.
oh one last point it is too badd your friends do not use the website more. since the new one came up the package section is about the best you can get on any linux distro's homepage.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
oh one last point it is too badd your friends do not use the website more. since the new one came up the package section is about the best you can get on any linux distro's homepage.
My friends and myself use the website and appreciate the new site. What I tried say, its easier to check with PCM "what's new and are available" when one can compare what are already installed on the machine than trying to do the same with the help of the website (going through a full list of current or unofficial packages).
The website is very essential providing the broader information of a package (version number, date, name of category and longer description) and to have an over-all picture of all available packages. PCM, I see as a personal "helper" as Arielext nicely descried it.
Very nice work. Only one thing, not even about the package.
on your website
27-Mayl-2003 … 0.1.tar.gz
dialog package: … pkg.tar.gz# pacman --remove dialog (if dialog-0.9b or later is installed)
# pacman -A dialog-0.7-2.pkg.tar.gz
# pacman -A hwd.exp-0.3.pkg.tar.gzTo uninstall:
# pacman --remove pcm.expPcm.exp contains four files (/etc/pcm/setup, dummy, current-package-list.txt and unofficial-package-list.txt) and one link (/usr/bin/pcm).
shouldn't # pacman -A hwd.exp-0.3.pkg.tar.gz
be changed to # pacman -A pcm.exp-0.3.pkg.tar.gz
anyway thanks for the great package
Very nice work. Only one thing, not even about the package.
shouldn't # pacman -A hwd.exp-0.3.pkg.tar.gz
be changed to # pacman -A pcm.exp-0.3.pkg.tar.gz
Ooops! That's my mistake when copying the page layout from my HWD webpage. Thanks for correction.
The code is:
# pacman -A pcm.exp-0.1.pkg.tar.gz
There was an error in the pcm.exp-0.1 packages searching for files in /archSetup folder (if anyone did download). I have fixed the error and replaced the package.
I have uploaded pcm.exp-0.2
<b>What's new in 0.2:</b>
1. View latest upgradeable packages and select package(s) to upgrade.
2. View and select unstable packages.
is this project not being worked on now cus it seems a very good idea for ultra newbees, like me
Currently version 0.2 advantage over console pacman is too little. What may be useful, is a GUI panel with all pacman's functions helping users to know more about pacman and doesn't require to remember key commands.
Another error in the page is the tittle...IT's the title of HWD.
Anyway, great tool. Hope it gets to the official distro.
And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you though?
They're all resting down in Cornwall
writing up their memoirs for a paper-back edition
of the Boy Scout Manual.
Is this package still available somewhere??
March Linux : An Arch Linux "distrolet" that I am trying to develop (March = My Arch!)
Please take a look......:)
No longer except in my machine as a "museum" item.
If you are searching for GUI package manager, doing same as the pcm but much more, take a look at pkginfo.
No longer except in my machine as a "museum" item.
If you are searching for GUI package manager, doing same as the pcm but much more, take a look at pkginfo.
I am...its yet another great contribution!!!
Can't maximize the window (in Fluxbox) though!!! Other than that, it rocks!!
March Linux : An Arch Linux "distrolet" that I am trying to develop (March = My Arch!)
Please take a look......:)
Can't maximize the window (in Fluxbox) though!!!
There is no max button... most probably because I don't like maximizing any window. :wink: