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Sorry for my 2nd newbie topic in one day!
I just installed OpenOffice (openoffice-base, stable) and no text shows up. Whenever I open an OO.o application, I just get a bunch of rectangles, no letters.
Everything I've found related to this only covers certain fonts like TTF or Unicode, etc. I also checked the wiki - no help.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Are you using a strange font as your application font? I had an issue like this before
Try starting openoffice from the terminal and see if it prints any error messages -- maybe it'll help you troubleshoot.
I've been having the same issue. Installed openoffice-base, appeared to install fine, but now has rectangles for all characters. The original error was:
I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale "en_US"
I've tried two solutions, no avail:
Attempt 1:
# cd /usr/share/locale
# ln -s en_US.ISO8859-15 en_US
Attempt 2
vim /etc/locale.gen
sudo locale-gen
setting rc.conf LOCALE="en_US.iso88591" (also tried en_US.utf8, for that matter).
The first attempt did nothing, the second attempt got rid of the error message, but not the error. Any suggestions?
The locale needs to have a - between 8859 and 1, but that shouldn't matter.
Suggestions? What fwojciec said, most apps print a message if they can't find a font they want.
Sorry, should've specified that I did it with what i believe to be the correct name (en_US.ISO8859-1? something like that), not that command, but it didn't help. And it actually doesn't display any errors to the terminal anymore (besides complaining about monitors, unimportant), so I'm just at a loss of ideas atm.
Huh. Try installing all the font packages you can get (ttf-ms-fonts, ttf-bitstream-vera, ttf-dejavu, ttf-liberation, ttf-linux-libertine, ttf-freefont, and ttf-cheapskate I always install).
This could also be a config issue - .gtkrc or similar. Try making a new user and doing it as that user - that'll ensure it's not a personal config problem.
Last edited by Ranguvar (2009-02-18 21:47:02)
Yeah, getting ttf-ms-fonts took care of it. Should've searched these forums a bit better, Solved already.
That said, wouldn't it make sense to set the default font to a more standard font? (I say that with little-no experience of the implications of that statement, of course). Thanks.
Agreed. There should be a bug about this - they should either default to something standard, like ttf-bitstream-vera, which could then be listed as a dependency, or ttf-ms-fonts should be a dependency (that's not very nice though).
Glad you got it Please mark thread as SOLVED.
Dragged up someone else's recent problem, can't mark as solved. Considering that others have had this error though, wouldn't marking it as a dependency (perhaps with a note, or optional) make some sense though?
OOo is compiled not to stick to a certain font and gives you the freedom of choice to use a system font you prefer and that fits your locale (think of Asia, India, ...). But a least one has to be installed...