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I have such problem
In my KDE4 kxkb do not switch layouts anymore becouse when I switch layout icon does not change in system tray while layuot shanges and I have one of my layouts in all programs. In kxkb settings window I selected "swith layout for one window"
It`s seems that reads switching options from xorg.conf directly
How can I repair kxkb?
Sorry for my English
Last edited by heartbeat (2009-02-16 08:10:30)
Agree, I have this problem after upgrade yesterday. - ISPConfig 3 based hosting. Coming Soon!
the cause is libxi 1.2.0. Downgrade it to 1.1.4 and everything will be fine. I uploaded it here: - just hit the button "Siųstis"
Thanks, now it's working - ISPConfig 3 based hosting. Coming Soon!
thanks, it solved my problem
the cause is libxi 1.2.0. Downgrade it to 1.1.4 and everything will be fine. I uploaded it here: - just hit the button "Siųstis"
Any idea, where to find an x86_64 package???
You should use this PKGBUILD:
# $Id$
# Maintainer: Alexander Baldeck <>
# Contributor: Jan de Groot <>
pkgdesc="X11 Input extension library"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
cd "${srcdir}/libXi-${pkgver}"
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc || return 1
make || return 1
make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
install -m644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/" || return 1
But it seems that it's not architecture dependent from this PKGBUILD, you could try the i686 package.
Anyway, we can't mark this issue as solved. Who needs an update which just breaks your system? I think maintainers should return the old version
EDIT: I've found the package itself: Hit the button "Siųstis"
Last edited by NForce (2009-02-16 20:50:17)
Thank you very much!
you should post a bugreport not everyone reads the forum you know..
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Downgrade libxi don't work for me.
After package's been downgraded I have:
* Don't work the 'per application' feature: when I switch between applications the keyboard layout switches to default value.
* Flag' isn't changed if I change the keyboard layout.
Last edited by skipper13 (2009-02-18 07:04:28)
Downgrade libxi don't work for me.
After package's been downgraded I have:
* Don't work the 'per application' feature: when I switch between applications the keyboard layout switches to default value.
* Flag' isn't changed if I change the keyboard layout.
Sorry if it sounds obvious, but did you restart X after the downgrade? The downgrade worked for me. I just installed the previous package from /var/cache/pacman/pkg.
you should post a bugreport not everyone reads the forum you know..
It's already there, but nothing seems to change. Or is it because I blacklisted the libxi?
i can't find anything when searching for libxi in the bugtracker, you got deleted?
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
i can't find anything when searching for libxi in the bugtracker, you got deleted?
It's because they don't know what caused that when they posted it. Here it is - And I saw that thread after i've found that libxi is causing it, someone there found it before me
Sorry if it sounds obvious, but did you restart X after the downgrade?
No problem Yes, I restarted X after downgrading. Then I reboot computer.
The downgrade worked for me. I just installed the previous package from /var/cache/pacman/pkg.
Last night I removed keyboard applet and configured hal. Now layouts is working. Maybe it's not libxi bug's or not libxi only bug.
Sorry for gramma mistakes I just learn English.
I have the same problem and it's driving me crazy
I use lang switch in my everyday job, so I'm quite eager to solve this...
However according to my info, this is not a problem with libxi only, because I tried downgrading these libs (inputproto-1.4.4, xextproto-7.0.4, libxext-1.0.4, libxi-1.1.4), but nothing worked
These are packages which were upgraded in my system and might be related...
[2009-02-21 01:08] upgraded xcb-util (0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.3-1)
[2009-02-21 01:08] upgraded xf86-input-evdev (2.1.0-1 -> 2.1.2-1)
[2009-02-21 01:08] upgraded xf86-input-keyboard (1.3.1-1 -> 1.3.2-1)
[2009-02-21 01:08] upgraded xkeyboard-config (1.4-2 -> 1.5-1)
[2009-02-21 01:08] upgraded xorg-xinit (1.1.0-1 -> 1.1.1-1)
[2009-02-21 01:07] upgraded libxi (1.1.4-1 -> 1.2.0-1)
[2009-02-21 01:07] upgraded libxslt (1.1.24-1 -> 1.1.24-2)
[2009-02-21 01:06] upgraded xcb-proto (1.2-2 -> 1.3-1)
[2009-02-21 01:06] upgraded libxcb ( -> 1.1.93-1)
[2009-02-21 01:06] upgraded libx11 (1.1.5-2 ->
[2009-02-21 01:06] upgraded inputproto (1.4.4-1 -> 1.5.0-1)
[2009-02-21 01:06] upgraded xextproto (7.0.4-1 -> 7.0.5-1)
[2009-02-21 01:06] upgraded libxext (1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-1)
i take it you people have done this: ?
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
New, downgraded libxi (1.1.4-2) didn't solve problem with layout changing.
heartbeat wrote:
In my KDE4 kxkb do not switch layouts anymore becouse when I switch layout icon does not change in system tray while layuot shanges and I have one of my layouts in all programs.
Last edited by atomic (2009-03-01 14:24:10)