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I've been screwing around with various things for hours now and I can't seem to get things right. I had xorg working, but then I updated kdebase and it no longer worked... it also wouldn't give me any errors on why it wouldn't... it just fired to a blank screen, and after a few minutes I'd see the command line again with the failed launch. No EE entries though.
I've since reformated with the base install because I hate so many config problems right off the bat.
Can I get somebody to take this wiki entry and use x86free instead of xorg (simply because it seems everybody prefers it) and kde instead of openbox?
I'd very much appreciate it. Fun tinkering is quickly turning into angry frustration
I think xorg is better.
usbmouse is /dev/input/mice
Install one base Desktop also, not just KDE/Gnome .
pacman -S xfce4 , or pacman -S openbox
When KDE doesn't work you can use another until the problems are fixed.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Ok, I'll stick with, but I'm looking for somebody to sort of hold my hand through this. I configure x... and then... what to get it and kde working together?
Ok, so I have xorg running ok again, bs
ut when I try to add the exec startkde to my .xinitrc I get:
"Could not start kdeinit. Please check your installation."
I tried reinstalling kde with no luck.
pacman -R kde
pacman -S kde
I've also tried rebooting with no change.
Any ideas?
I've tried installing firefox with pacman as well, and it seemed to install ok, but the standard startx manager wont start it. I get:
/opt/mozilla-firefox/lib/firefox-0.9.3/firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Is that because the default window manager can't handle firefox? Or is there something else I need to install?
:edit 2:
I installed openbox and configured it like the wiki says so. It boots Yay!
I changed the default mozilla menu entry to firefox and to launch mozilla-firefox instead of just mozilla. Nothing happens... when I close out I see the same error mentioned above. What else do I need to install to get firefox, kde, and probably almost every other application to work correctly? :?:
Let's hope you get more expert advice than mine.
First off if you start x into open box. Try opening a terminal and running:
/opt/mozilla-firefox/bin/firefox &
Sorry if this is what you are currently trying. Just need to clarify.
If that returns the same error do you have the file: /usr/lib/
I don't use kde so maybe some kde users can jump in for help with that.
Also, could you post your .xinitrc? Again I don't use kde but I noticed that pacman set up gnome to run using the full pathname. For example my .xinitrc looks like this:
# ~/.xinitrc
# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
# exec wmaker
# exec startkde
# exec icewm
# exec blackbox
# exec fluxbox
exec /opt/gnome/bin/gnome-session
#exec /opt/xfce4/bin/startxfce4
#exec /opt/xfce4/bin/xfce-mcs-manager
#exec /opt/xfce4/bin/xfce-desktop
#exec /opt/xfce4/bin/xfwm4
#exec /opt/xfce4/bin/xfce-panel
Are you booting to a xdm login? See here as this also may be related to your problems:
My xinitrc file only has the exec kde line uncommented. That's all that it takes for the other manager though. startkde on its own also gives me the errors. So I appear to be missing a lot of packages... any idea on how to get them?
Ok, so I am king of the double post... my apologies.
I ran pacman -Suy to update everything, and first I had to update pacman... after that I ran it again to update everything else.
I'm currently typing this in Mozilla Firefox 8)
No more links for me...
Now that I've got this much working right, I'm going to try to screw with KDE some more... I will edit this post if successful... if not I'll probably go mad with frustration.
startkde was no longer a recognized command, so I had to uninstall/reinstall kde.
pacman -R kde
pacman -S kde
Now I'm in kde and editing in mozilla firefox. My holy grail has been attained
I did get a sound server error (doesn't know my sound card) on boot, but that's small potatos to me right now. Browsing through the boards and various other google'd sites has shown me plenty of sound issues that will hopefully lead me to a fix.
There are some handy guides (alsa) in Wiki.....
Mr Green
heres what i done
from root konsole
vi /etc/rc.conf
DAEMONS=(syslogd klogd !pcmcia crond kdm )
notice kdm in the dameons if you put ! in front it wont work
save ( press esc then : type exit {:exit} )
now you will be brought to a graphical log in
once in kde go to control center
system administrator
login manager
convenience (tab)
click on administrator mode(bottom of page) put in root password
auto login who you want
check it out by rebooting
should put you into kde to the user you selected
Ok thanks, I was planning on booting right into KDE when I get everything all set up. That will help me do so
Having a little bit of mouse trouble. I have 2 buttons and one scroll wheel. I've got the buttons and scroll wheel configured ok, but with mozilla in windows I can push down on my wheel (3rd button) and that will allow me to scroll around a window by moving the mouse around.
Any way to do that with my linux configs? Or is that a native windows option?
:edit 2:
Just an update, the wiki helped me configure alsa wonderfully. I can now see and hear things. 8)
Ok I thought I was doing pretty well, I installed and configured a few apps and was well on my way... but then I realized I stopped getting sound.
I can play sound fine as root and my user until I start KDE. I hear KDE's start up sound, but after that I get nothing
If I run alsaconfig sound works again until reboot. My alsamixer and kmixer appear to be in line... they're remembering settings after reboot and nothing seems muted. is there something I'm missing?
By default alsa devices are started in a muted state. If you want to save your settings you can use the 'alsactl' command to do so. Get your sound settings where you like them and issue the following command:
alsactl store
After you've done this you need to configure your system to restore the settings upon each boot. You can do this by adding a line to the bottom of /etc/rc.local. Here is what mine looks like:
# /etc/rc.local: Local multi-user startup script.
alsactl restore
# End of file
.: lytez :.
I used the script from the wiki, my audio settings are set on boot, it's just loading KDE that kicks them.
I'm moving past KDE to another WM anyway, my whole point of running linux was to give my aging laptop some room to move... windows sucks up too many resources. KDE sucks up as much... if not more. So I'm giving fluxbox a whirl now, and as a bonus... it doesn't reset my audio.