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Had my root partition fail after my system locked. I had been playing Red Orchestra Mod for UT2004, then exited to the main menu screen of the game and walked away for an hour. Upon my return I went into server browser and tried to connect into an online session. This resulted in a complete lock of my system of which I was not able to terminate and regain control. Failing this I did what I could only think of and that was to hard reboot. Upon doing this I found that I had corruption on my root partition which lead to a kernel panic and failure to load my kernel.
I have since re-installed my root partition but does anyone know what I could have done to possibly deal with this next time without the need to
1. corrupt my hard drive or
2. rebuild my file system without re-installing Arch?
Any suggestions greatly appreciated. :oops:
Leave ones footprint not in the physical world but the in the world of the mind.
It's a hard drive fail so I have to replace it and get the system back up and running. Will, at least be able to retrrieve my music and home partitions.
Leave ones footprint not in the physical world but the in the world of the mind.