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Looks like you need a gtk theme and an icon theme...
Download some from then install them to a .icons/ and .themes/ folder and define them in your .gtkrc file, or install lxappearance to make them work.
br0tat0chip in #archlinux and on freenode
You probably need to install hicolor-icon-theme for your icons.
As for the uglyness you need to tell gtk to use a theme. You can use lxappearance to set the gtk theme, icon set, and other settings. You will probably have to go to and pick out a them that you like. I personally like Murrina Gilouche.
Take a look at the openbox wiki under Themes + Appearance: … Appearance
Hehe, thanks guys!
I guess this is just something I took for granted, coming from Ubuntu. It's an obvious answer, now that you mention it.