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@Inxsible: Can you try out the setsid setsid I mentioned, I got EINTR in pyfmii sometimes when I ran programs in the foreground (so not setsid'd) which I could only fix by rewaiting after EINTR. So anyway I think setsid setsid is a good idea to fix that.
It would be on line 2701 with /bin/sh -c cmd, prepend "setsid setsid " to cmd. (Don't ask me how string functions in C work though)
Hello guys,
how can I use GDM in combination with Musca? I want to add Musca to GDM so that I'm able to start a session directly in Musca.
Last edited by Rasi (2009-05-06 06:05:12)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
I'm no dzen2 guru, but iirc it will need -p <seconds> argument at least, otherwise it should terminate on EOF (ie, instantly). Others may be able to help further. Also by default, only the first input line is displayed as the title.
ok.. i am trying to get wmii like tags in musca. i have come this far:
my workspace statusbar:
while true; do
ws=`musca -c "show groups" | awk -v ORS=" " '{ print ($2=="*"?"^fg(#000000)^bg(#ffffff)":"^fg(#dadada)^bg(#262626)")$3} EN$
echo "$ws"
# sleep 1;
done | dzen2 -ta l -tw $W -x $X -y $Y -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FN -e
This one actually works really nice... anyway, we want a wmii like interface, which means groups should only be added if the group number is triggered:
bind on Mod4+1 use 0
bind on Mod4+2 exec /home/carnager/scripts/add_group 2
bind on Mod4+3 exec /home/carnager/scripts/add_group 3
bind on Mod4+4 exec /home/carnager/scripts/add_group 4
hook on use exec /home/carnager/scripts/drop_group
my add_group script:
if musca -c "show groups" | grep $1>>/dev/null
echo "use $1" | musca -i
echo "add $1" | musca -i
and since it wouldnt be complete without empty groups being dropped here my drop_group script:
if musca -c "show windows" | grep '[a-z]'
echo "use $1" | musca -i
echo "drop `musca -c "show groups" | awk '$2=="*"{ line=line s "" $3;s=" "} END{print line}'`" | musca -i
But something isnt quite right... it always drops the groups on group switch, no matter if it contains windows or not...
*edit* ok one flaw is definately the hook not sending a $1...
Last edited by Rasi (2009-05-09 01:18:02)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Hi, i'm diving into musca and it's seems really cool
Something i don't find , if I remove a frame , is there a way to make the other frame fill the space?
Last edited by maattd (2009-05-09 15:24:39)
Hi, i'm diving into musca and it's seems really cool
Something i don't find , if I remove a frame , is there a way to make the other frame fill the space?
hook on move remove
hook on move exec musca -c "remove"
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Something i don't find , if I remove a frame , is there a way to make the other frame fill the space?
@maattd: I'm unsure of your meaning. When a frame is removed, other frames should resize to fill the gap by default. Can you give an example?
@Rasi: your hook suggestions relate to moving windows between groups, but there was no mention of that.
maattd wrote:Something i don't find , if I remove a frame , is there a way to make the other frame fill the space?
@maattd: I'm unsure of your meaning. When a frame is removed, other frames should resize to fill the gap by default. Can you give an example?.
I can't reproduce it. I probably killed the window but forgot to remove the frame ...
Congrats for your WM, it's great
Last edited by maattd (2009-05-10 01:12:48)
When you split, shouldn't the new frame be focused?
@Procyon: Fair point, though it depends on usage pattern I suppose. For example, I often start a number of apps from a terminal en masse (say editors with source files), splitting off a new frame for each one. In that case, I always want to be focussed on the original frame until I'm done starting stuff. I can see how people might want the opposite though...
This might rate a behavior configuration setting, say set frame_split_focus old|new . Any votes?
Last edited by aerosuidae (2009-05-11 07:20:11)
Or maybe an other shortcut like Mod + SHift + H/V if you want to have focus, an classic Mod + H/V to keep focus on the original frame.
Just want to give my kudos aerosuidae. I'm always jumping back and forth between tiling and floating window managers, and I tried ratpoison, and while I liked the idea, I didn't like the lack of configurability. This seems to be the best of both worlds
As a side note (don't know if it's been mentioned, I haven't read the whole post yet) bmpanel is a great panel to use with musca, everything seems to work. It's the first panel I've tried which everything works correctly.
@Procyon: 0.9.22 has:
set frame_split_focus current|new
@maattd: I chose the above because I don't want to get into the habit of adding more and more default keyboard shortcuts. It becomes too easy to clash with personal preferences and makes for more to remember (a config file setting you don't have to remember after you write it once ;-) ). I'm also betting most people will simply want one or the other behavior in this case, rather than switch back and forth, hence a global setting.
@heleos: Thanks for the note about bmpanel. Most of my testing happens with fbpanel, which also seems fine. If you can identify specific bugs with other panels (probably due to some EWMH we don't yet support), please feel free to file those bugs
Thank you very much for musca, aerosuidae! This is a great window manager.
Is there a way to do a "focus next frame" in the tiling mode, like you have in the stacking mode? Now you can only do focus up/down/left/right. Since each client has a number (as shown in the clients menu), and "cycle" only works in stacking mode, and "focus (next)" (like "use (next)" works for groups) doesn't do anything.
I am running musca 0.9.22.
@Procyon: 0.9.22 has:
set frame_split_focus current|new
@maattd: I chose the above because I don't want to get into the habit of adding more and more default keyboard shortcuts. It becomes too easy to clash with personal preferences and makes for more to remember (a config file setting you don't have to remember after you write it once ;-) ). I'm also betting most people will simply want one or the other behavior in this case, rather than switch back and forth, hence a global setting.
Thanks for this.
It helps me out a lot when I start a new app, but still want to work on an existing one, while the new one loads up (especially heavy software like eclipse and such which take a few seconds or more to load). That way, I don't lose my typing in gvim etc. when the new app starts and immediately grabs focus. What's the default for this? current or new?
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Thank you very much for musca, aerosuidae! This is a great window manager.
Is there a way to do a "focus next frame" in the tiling mode, like you have in the stacking mode? Now you can only do focus up/down/left/right. Since each client has a number (as shown in the clients menu), and "cycle" only works in stacking mode, and "focus (next)" (like "use (next)" works for groups) doesn't do anything.
I am running musca 0.9.22.
Hey urukrama, good to know you are a musca user as well. Read a lot of your openbox articles when I was using that. OB still is my choice for a pure floating WM.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Hey urukrama, good to know you are a musca user as well. Read a lot of your openbox articles when I was using that. OB still is my choice for a pure floating WM.
My computer at work still runs openbox. I use musca nearly exclusively on my other, much older and slower computer that runs mostly cli apps.
Is there a way to do a "focus next frame" in the tiling mode, like you have in the stacking mode? Now you can only do focus up/down/left/right. Since each client has a number (as shown in the clients menu), and "cycle" only works in stacking mode, and "focus (next)" (like "use (next)" works for groups) doesn't do anything.
Not quite sure what you are asking... are your tiling/stacking modes reversed in the above description? "cycle" works (or should work) in both stacking and tiling modes. "focus up/down/left/right" only works in tiling mode.
Currently there is no built in control for navigating to (next) or (prev) frames in either windowing mode, since there is not yet any frame focus tracking, only frame layout tracking. Also, in stacking mode, there are no frames at all anyway Just application windows floating about on screen like any normal stacking window manager.
Did that help at all, or am I missing your point?
There is another way to change frame focus and that is with the dump file. The top frame will be focused, so you just have to change the order of the frames and reload.
musca -c 'dump .musca_dump'
if [ $1 = next ]; then
( echo '/^frame/m?^frame?'
echo wq ) | ed -s .musca_dump
if [ $1 = prev ]; then
( echo '?^frame?m/^frame/-1'
echo wq ) | ed -s .musca_dump
musca -c 'load .musca_dump'
Oh my god, i love your WM! Its nearly exact what i expected from a (very) good tiling-wm! Keep up the good work, i found musca 3 days ago, read this whole post here and JUST figured out how the stacking mode works. NOW i am really comfortable with musca.
what do you think about tags, assignable to both frames and groups? would make it imo even more powerful
»A keystroke is worth a thousand clicks«
Not quite sure what you are asking... are your tiling/stacking modes reversed in the above description? "cycle" works (or should work) in both stacking and tiling modes. "focus up/down/left/right" only works in tiling mode.
Currently there is no built in control for navigating to (next) or (prev) frames in either windowing mode, since there is not yet any frame focus tracking, only frame layout tracking. Also, in stacking mode, there are no frames at all anyway Just application windows floating about on screen like any normal stacking window manager.
Did that help at all, or am I missing your point?
What I mean is something along these lines: say I have three clients tiled with one on the left and two on the right. If I want to change the focus from the one client on the left to the top one on the right, I need to do so with focus right, but what I would like is that I could do that with cycle, like in other window managers, so that I can use the same keybinding to switch the focus in both stacking and tiling mode. I know cycle works in tiling mode, but it only cycles to the windows that are untiled, ie those that are not visible.
Your second paragraph describes the situation well. As you put it, I was wondering whether musca could track focus, not just layout.
It'd be nice if it could, but even if it doesn't, it isn't such a big deal for me, as I am mainly in tiling mode anyway.
[ISSUE: the usual virtualbox takes over thing]
UPDATE to ISSUE above: easy fix: turn OFF the auto keyboard capture in VBox prefs before starting vm.
Love the musicality of *musca!
TWO new questions below... if you can help. I've read everything I can though may have missed something, likely.
1) In dwm I could hold down the right mouse button and resize a floating window. I believe avoiding the mouse completely is possible in musca which is great. Any tips for doing this?
EDIT: wow M+s swap tiling or stacking modes ... any other tips for resizing stacked (same as floating?) windows?
EDIT2: wow-wow the hold Modifier key and move or right mouse button resize is available IN stacked mode. thanks!
2) Can musca recall my layouts exactly for the different groups or whatever? I just need to put them in the .start_musca file? Would be great to be able to bootup and have everything load with the sizes I want and in the tabs/v-desktop I want. Wishful thnking?
Expecting I can get going past where I'm now at with musca as I was getting pretty stale with dwm mainly due to my only 'moderate or less' skill ability.
it's been an incredible year.
Last edited by yvonney (2009-06-02 00:06:26)