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Hi All,
i was just trying to work out how i'm going to store a config file for a program called flyback
i've almost finished re-writting the config backend as it currently uses dbus but this stops the program being run from Cron - no dbus session or x session.
i'm currently using ConfigParser within python and what to add the abilty for profiled backup something that it can't do at the moment.
one way i was thinking of doing this is having seperate config files for each user .flybackrc under the home folder.
Am i right in thinking this is against archs polices?
on a side note i have tried several times to contact the orignal developer to discuess helping out with the project. i have currenty had no response. would it be a bit off for me to set up a new project but with credits to the orignal author? probably under the name flyback2?
thanks for your help
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
Config file per user in $HOME is not against Arch policies. Trying to put anything in $HOME during package installation definitely is. The application itself should create the dotfile the first time it is run - this is a very common process across all kinds of apps.
ahh that clears things up a little.
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
It would be appreciated if you put it under $HOME/.config/ to get some clutter out of $HOME
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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thats a very good point
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
Note that "just putting your stuff in $HOME/.config/" is not the point.
See … c-0.6.html
This standard is about separating things into the categories of config, data and cache, where each of them have multiple places where they can be put. $HOME/.config is just the default value for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
Many people "just put their things in $HOME/.config", this makes things even worse.
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
, this makes things even worse.
actually, it makes it exactly as bad as when people "just put their stuff into home with a dot in front"
@ original poster: Aww. do you really need gconf? and all the other gnome stuff? it's a shame
looks like an awesome project, one i wanted to tackle a long time ago.. coupled with duplicity and/or git
Last edited by Heller_Barde (2009-03-14 12:49:59)
Dieter@be wrote:, this makes things even worse.
actually, it makes it exactly as bad as when people "just put their stuff into home with a dot in front"
No, much worse. because you expect you can lose things in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, if you don't mind configuring an application again. personal data should _never_ be in a config directory.
If you find a dotfile in your homedir you know it doesn't comply to any freedesktop spec so you should see what it contains and whether you want to back it up or not.
@ original poster: Aww. do you really need gconf? and all the other gnome stuff? it's a shame
looks like an awesome project, one i wanted to tackle a long time ago.. coupled with duplicity and/or gitcheers
Agreed, gconf makes a big mess in your home directory. See
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
i'm currenty removing the gconf section as this stops the program working from the command line.
also i'm going to split the front end and make a comand line interface for it so that it can be run from a cron job which was the orignal idea but didn't work due to the gtk and gconf problems.
so far i've mangaed to get rid of gconf.
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
i will soon lauch the project again under the name of flyback2 as the orignal developer has gone awol.
i'll post up a link and a PKGBUILD once i finished. i do like this project and use it to back up my laptop it's probably whats made me fix it.
looking at the code base there are alot off features that are in the code that havn't been implimented yet so i'm going to get them working as well.
one of them is backing up to a ssh server among other things.
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
Your tool looks nice btw
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
I can see from a screenshot that flyback already reached v4.0 . So naming your project flyback2 might be a little bit confusing .
What about flyback-ng ?
English is not my native language .
i didn't want to but all my attempts to contact the orignal developer have had no response.
i would love to be able to just update with my changes but unless i can get him to add me as a developer it's not possible.
i'll keep you update when i get the gconf and gtk problems fixed.
It is a really usefull tool and one of the best backup programs that i have used.
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
Okay just an update incase anyone is following this i have been able to completely remove the gconf dependancie
i've now started on splitting the GUI and creating a command line version.
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
what does the ng stand for?? sorry if thats a dumb question
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
what does the ng stand for?? sorry if thats a dumb question
Next Generation .
Examples from repos :
core syslog-ng 3.0.1-4
core util-linux-ng 2.14.2-1
core wlan-ng26-utils 0.2.9-1
community aircrack-ng 1.0_rc2-1
community bwm-ng 0.6-2
community fillets-ng 0.8.1-1
community fillets-ng-data 0.8.1-1
community lincity-ng 2.0-1
English is not my native language .
Rofl that makes sense like i said it was a dumb question
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson