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Pages: 1
Hi all!
I know there is a thread about porting Arch Linux to ARM, but I think this is more related to porting it to Neo Freerunner phone.
Most of the info is currently located here:
Includes instructions to build cross-compiling toolchain, current project status etc.
Is there anybody who would like to get involved?
We are in serious need of a leader for this project, but other help is welcome too
I'll probably start looking at some base PKGBUILDs (kernel26, gcc...). They probably need some work. And I was thinking trying to get basic install script setup ( debian could probably work as a good base). But for most of the stuff we need to wait for hiciu to finish building and making the qemu image.
archlinux x86_64 user || My PKGBUILDs
I have a freerunner, but it's not really up to date... I suppose I could play around from time to time. No promises though
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
I am very interested in this project, I have been working for 2 months with a BeagleBoard with Debian, but I want to run it with Arch.
How can I get involved in this project?
Pages: 1