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Is it possible to bind win key in XFCE4???
I suppose it is, but how?
Nevermind. I've found this great prog called xbindkeys and it does the magic for me
Nevermind. I've found this great prog called xbindkeys and it does the magic for me
Can you tell me how to work with it? :-D
Does it also work with gnome?
I think it works with every WM out there. To get it working you just have to:
1. pacman -S xbindkey
2. Edit the .xbindkeysrc file in your home directory and add any shortcuts you wish to use. The syntax is quite straighforward so you shouldn't have any problems with it.(hint: win key=Mod4).
So for example:
3. Now you want xbindkeys to run automatically everytime you enter GNOME. I can't help you with that because I've never used GNOME before. In my case I just put in a startup script directory which is scanned everytime I run XFCE4.
configuring xbindkeys to start a program like xterm for example is pretty easy imo, but what about windows manager functions like "shade","sticky" and so on? how do i get the right commands for that so that i can write them down in .xbindkeysrc too?
Using the evdev driver for your keyboad will make it much easier to bind stuff to Mod4... However, it also seems to preclude zapping X with ctrl-alt-backspace, which can be a *huge* problem.
configuring xbindkeys to start a program like xterm for example is pretty easy imo, but what about windows manager functions like "shade","sticky" and so on? how do i get the right commands for that so that i can write them down in .xbindkeysrc too?
Most windowmanagers supports configuring keybindings (and some even have a GUI for it, for example kcontrol for KDE and obtuner for openbox) - what wm are you using?
Atm im using Pekwm because of its simple and effecitve default keybindings (with MOD4 aka winkey) but would love to go back to Xfce4 but use exactly the same keybindings like in Pekwm.
So, Xfce is "my" desktop
Well here's something... Apparently binding Mod4 in XFCE will work again with GTK 2.10, which is why they're not going to fix it. Not sure what to think of keybinding functionality being transferred to GTK though. :?
Hey Jones,
sounds promising!
When can we ARchers expect a 2.10 release of GTK ?
When the devs feel like recompiling lots of stuff.
(Cairo 1.2.0, on the other hand, is fully compatible with 1.0.x, so I wouldn't be surprised if it popped up in the repos pretty soon.)
For some reason the gui you enter the shortcuts in is not recognising the button press.
But if you edit ~.config/xfce4/shortcuts/theme_name.xml by hand it will work eg.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shortcuts-theme name="theme_name">
<shortcut command="thunar" keys="Mod4+e"/>
For some reason the gui you enter the shortcuts in is not recognising the button press.
But if you edit ~.config/xfce4/shortcuts/theme_name.xml by hand it will work eg.<xml> <shortcuts> <shortcut> </shortcuts>
Will definitely try this out pretty soon and inform u of success