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just wrote a "meta split" for rp today, here's the script:
it adds the functionality of splitting not current frame but the "overall frame", (i.e the screen)
| |
| |
after "metasplit right":
| | |
|_____| |
| | |
*edit: the script is slightly altered to run the command directly
Last edited by b4283 (2010-11-12 04:46:26)
@b4283: very nice. Will have to use this!
Been using ratpoison for a few days now and it's just what I wanted. Here's my rc.
### Global Settings and Startup ###
startup_message off
set wingravity c
exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
alias banish ratwarp 10000 10000
### Changed Stuff ###
escape C-s-semicolon
definekey root Escape abort
definekey root c exec urxvt
definekey root C-c exec urxvt
### Application Bindings (and such) ###
definekey top s-M exec urxvt
definekey top s-w exec jumanji
definekey top s-e exec urxvt -e vim
definekey top s-f exec urxvt -e ranger
definekey top XF86ScreenSaver exec xset dpms force off
definekey top XF86AudioPlay exec mpc toggle > /dev/null 2>&1
definekey top XF86AudioNext exec mpc next > /dev/null 2>&1
definekey top XF86AudioPrev exec mpc prev > /dev/null 2>&1
definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume exec ratpoison -c "echo $(amixer set Front 1- | sed -n 6s/^.*F/F/p | sed s/".Left: Playback...."// | sed s/..-.*dB..//)"
definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec ratpoison -c "echo $(amixer set Front 1+ | sed -n 6s/^.*F/F/p | sed s/".Left: Playback...."// | sed s/..-.*dB..//)"
definekey top XF86AudioMute exec ratpoison -c "echo $(amixer set Front toggle | sed -n 6s/^.*F/F/p | sed s/".Left: Playback...."// | sed s/..-.*dB..//)"
definekey top XF86AudioStop exec ratpoison -c "echo $(mpc)"
definekey top s-a exec ratpoison -c "echo $(echo Battery:$(BATTERY_STATE="$(acpi -a | sed s/.*:\ //)" ; if [ "$BATTERY_STATE" == "on-line" ]; then echo -n '+' ; elif [ "$BATTERY_STATE" == "off-line" ]; then echo -n '-' ; else echo -n 'Error!!!' ; fi ; echo -n $(acpi -b | sed s/%.*/%/ | sed s/.*,\ //))'['"$(BATTERY_STATE="$(echo -n $(acpi -p | sed s/.*,\ // | sed s/...\ .*//))" ; if [ "$(echo $BATTERY_STATE | grep %)" ] ; then echo -n "Charged" ; else echo $BATTERY_STATE ; fi)"'] |' $(date -u | sed s/....UTC//))"
### Window Management ###
definekey top s-n prev
definekey top s-N next
definekey top s-h focusleft
definekey top s-j focusdown
definekey top s-k focusup
definekey top s-l focusright
definekey top s-s vsplit
definekey top s-S hsplit
definekey top s-u undo
definekey top s-U redo
definekey top s-d remove
definekey top s-H exchangeleft
definekey top s-J exchangedown
definekey top s-K exchangeup
definekey top s-L exchangeright
definekey top s-M-h resize -10 0
definekey top s-M-j resize 0 -10
definekey top s-M-k resize 0 10
definekey top s-M-l resize 10 0
definekey top s-o only
definekey top s-q delete
### Meta Keys (emulates other keypresses) ###
definekey top M-M meta Return
definekey top M-C meta Escape
definekey top M-X meta Delete
definekey top M-S-0 meta Home
definekey top M-parenright meta Home
definekey top M-dollar meta End
definekey top M-H meta Left
definekey top M-J meta Down
definekey top M-K meta Up
definekey top M-L meta Right
definekey top M-C-h meta Left
definekey top M-C-j meta S-Next
definekey top M-C-k meta S-Prior
definekey top M-C-l meta Right
### Clickers ###
definekey top s-c exec ratpoison -c "ratwarp $(sed -n 1s/"\ .*"//p .ratpoisoninf) $(sed -n 1s/".*\ "//p .ratpoisoninf)" ; ratpoison -c ratclick ; ratpoison -c banish
definekey top s-M-c exec ratpoison -c "ratwarp $(sed -n 2s/"\ .*"//p .ratpoisoninf) $(sed -n 2s/".*\ "//p .ratpoisoninf)" ; ratpoison -c ratclick ; ratpoison -c banish
definekey top s-C-c exec ratpoison -c "ratwarp $(sed -n 3s/"\ .*"//p .ratpoisoninf) $(sed -n 3s/".*\ "//p .ratpoisoninf)" ; ratpoison -c ratclick ; ratpoison -c banish
definekey top s-C exec if [ $(cat .ratpoisoninf | wc -l) -ne 3 ] ; then echo -en '0 0\n0 0\n0 0\n' > .ratpoisoninf ; fi ; RATPOISONINF="$(sed 1s/.*/"$(ratpoison -c ratinfo)"/ .ratpoisoninf)" ; sh -c "echo \"$RATPOISONINF\"" > .ratpoisoninf
definekey top s-M-C exec if [ $(cat .ratpoisoninf | wc -l) -ne 3 ] ; then echo -en '0 0\n0 0\n0 0\n' > .ratpoisoninf ; fi ; RATPOISONINF="$(sed 2s/.*/"$(ratpoison -c ratinfo)"/ .ratpoisoninf)" ; sh -c "echo \"$RATPOISONINF\"" > .ratpoisoninf
definekey top s-C-C exec if [ $(cat .ratpoisoninf | wc -l) -ne 3 ] ; then echo -en '0 0\n0 0\n0 0\n' > .ratpoisoninf ; fi ; RATPOISONINF="$(sed 3s/.*/"$(ratpoison -c ratinfo)"/ .ratpoisoninf)" ; sh -c "echo \"$RATPOISONINF\"" > .ratpoisoninf
### Misc Bindings ###
definekey top s-r source .ratpoisonrc
definekey top s-semicolon colon
definekey top s-p exec
definekey top s-W windows
definekey top s-m lastmsg
definekey top s-b banish
Also, for everyone looking for a good way to deal with floating windows, TinyWM (in AUR) can run at the same time as any other window manager, so it can manage ratpoison's unmanaged windows. Although I haven't yet figured out how to send anything besides mouse events to unmanaged windows.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that TinyWM doesn't do anything if CAPS Lock or Num lock is on.
Last edited by kwbauson (2010-11-13 10:28:03)
After putting ratpoison to work for a week, despite that I really like the keyboard driven design, I really can't stand that every program is bloated to inexorably large, and that small popup windows keep messing my window focus.
I decided to turn to something else could handle better floating windows. (already tried musca, liked it but wasn't very stable)
Hope pekwm will fit my needs whatsoever.
After putting ratpoison to work for a week, despite that I really like the keyboard driven design, I really can't stand that every program is bloated to inexorably large, and that small popup windows keep messing my window focus.
I decided to turn to something else could handle better floating windows. (already tried musca, liked it but wasn't very stable)
Hope pekwm will fit my needs whatsoever.
Uhm. Popup windows from what? The browser? Why do you allow them?
Uhm. Popup windows from what? The browser? Why do you allow them?
actually from any app. a lot of programs uses a popup window for configuration, libreoffice uses a floating table toolbar, gimp uses floating toolbars as well.
obligatory command to save screen space "ratpoison -c "set border 0", I _hate_ wasted screen space =p
Is there a list of which colors are supported by ratpoison? Eg the 'ratpoison -c "set fgcolor green"' command. Teal wasn't supported
I have been using ratposion for the last few days, and I am very happy with it.
Here's a screenshot:
Most of my config is taken from parts of configs posted by various people here.
dmz wrote:Uhm. Popup windows from what? The browser? Why do you allow them?
actually from any app. a lot of programs uses a popup window for configuration, libreoffice uses a floating table toolbar, gimp uses floating toolbars as well.
I don't have issues with gimp in rp... I actually find it better than in any other wm...
Split the screen vertically into three frames, keep focus on the center frame, the mouse can go to whatever toolbar I need without losing focus on the picture.
I would provide a screenshot, but I'm away from my computer...
So this is an old thread, but I doubt ratpoison has changed too much
These were some bindings I found useful to get my battery info (from ibam), the current volume, and what wifi network I'm connected to. Not being a regular expressions guru, the wifi thing took me way longer than it should have
#spits out ibam
bind b exec ratpoison -c "echo $(ibam)"
#spits out current volume
bind v exec ratpoison -c "echo Master: `amixer get Master | tail -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 6`"
#spits out current wifi network
bind w exec ratpoison -c "echo $(iwconfig wlan0 | grep -o -E ESSID:\".+\")"
I've been using ratpoison for about a month now, it's totally changed the way I use my computers! Simply adding "exec /usr/bin/rpws init 12 -k" to my .ratpoisonrc has changed my approach to application/window management entirely. Since my system idles at about 30mB of memory, I can afford to have 12 of my 'virtual desktops' with all the programs I use already and always running, without breaking the 1GB mem barrier (of my 4GB available, this is still less than a base Win7 install ahah). With M-F1 through M-F12, I can call any of these workspaces:
F3-2xFirefox (split screen)
F6-Eclipse IDE
F9-midnight commander
F12-Terminal + Conky
I also spent a little while with my .ratpoisonrc file making it easy to read and configure.
#! /bin/bash
### November 2011
#X Settings.
exec xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name left_ptr
#exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
#exec xrdb -load ~./Xresources
#Ratpoison Settings.
msgwait 2
startup_message none
set bargravity center
set font -xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*
set bgcolor black
set fgcolor white
# winname [title/name/class]
set winname class
set wingravity center
set border 0
#Pest control.
exec unclutter -idle 1 -jitter 2 -root
warp on
addhook switchwin banish
#Create 12 workspaces.
exec /usr/bin/rpws init 12 -k
#Run workspaces script.
# exec bash ~/
#Introduce yourself.
exec ratpoison -c "Welcome."
#Prefix key.
escape C-space
#Terminal emulators.
bind space exec gnome-terminal
bind C-c exec xterm
bind c exec xterm
#Ratpoison command.
bind semicolon colon
#Ratpoison shell.
bind C-semicolon exec
#Display battery status.
bind b exec ratpoison -c "echo $(acpi)"
#Volume up.
# bind Next e xec amixer -q set PCM 2- unmute
#Volume down.
# bind Prior exec amixer -q set PCM 2+ unmute
bind C-s hsplit
bind C-r remove
#Show focus.
bind f curframe
#Select frame.
bind F fselect
#Change focus.
bind C-b focusleft
bind C-n focusdown
bind C-p focusup
bind C-f focusright
#Preset layouts.
bind C-1 exec ratpoison -c "echo Layout 1" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "next"
bind C-2 exec ratpoison -c "echo Layout 2" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "hsplit" -c "next"
bind C-3 exec ratpoison -c "echo Layout 3" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "hsplit" -c "next" -c "focusright" -c "next" -c "vsplit" -c "next" -c "focusleft"
bind C-4 exec ratpoison -c "echo Layout 4" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "vsplit" -c "next"
bind C-5 exec ratpoison -c "echo Layout 5" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "hsplit" -c next -c "vsplit" -c next -c "focusright" -c next -c "vsplit" -c "next"
#Windows 10-19 assigned to Shift-(0-9).
bind parenright select 10
bind exclam select 11
bind at select 12
bind numbersign select 13
bind dollar select 14
bind percent select 15
bind asciicircum select 16
bind ampersand select 17
bind asterisk select 18
bind parenleft select 19
#Exchange Frame contents.
bind C-B exchangeleft
bind C-N exchangedown
bind C-P exchangeup
bind C-F exchangeright
#Kill window.
bind C-k delete
# bind s-a exec
# bind s-b exec
bind s-c exec /usr/bin/libreoffice --calc
# bind s-d exec
bind s-e exec emacs
bind s-f exec firefox
bind s-g exec gedit
# bind s-h exec
# bind s-i exec
# bind s-j exec
bind s-k exec conkeror
# bind s-l exec
# bind s-m exec
# bind s-n exec
# bind s-o exec
bind s-p exec /usr/bin/libreoffice --impress
# bind s-q exec
# bind s-r exec
# bind s-s exec
# bind s-t exec
# bind s-u exec
bind s-v exec virtualbox
bind s-w exec /usr/bin/libreoffice --writer
# bind s-x exec
# bind s-y exec
# bind s-z exec
"Paradoxically, learning stuff is information-society enemy number one"
I'm quite new to ratpoison and I see your RP desktops and noticed that you have a nice transparent terminals. How can I achieve this? I searched a lot but I can't do this. I guess I should use xcompmgr or something like this. My terminal is gnome-terminal. Thanks!
Starts a tmux session every time... re-attaches to tmux session if exists, so quitting ratpoison and then restarting it re-attaches to the tmux session.. You need to have your .Xresources setup nicely too for urxvt, see the wiki.
My .ratpoisonrc - The following simply launces urxvt and then chromium because I like to have pandora music playing. It splits chromium to 1/7th the screen size so only the pandora title and play/next buttons are showing.. The rest is my beautiful tmux in urxvt.
alias snapshot exec import -window root png:$HOME/xwd-$(date +%s)$$.png
exec /usr/bin/chromium
vsplit 1/7
exec urxvt -e bash -c "TMPDIR=~/tmp/.tmux; tmux -L$USER -q has-session && exec tmux -L$USER attach-session -d || exec tmux -L$USER new-session -n$USER -s$USER@$HOSTNAME"
Starts a tmux session every time... re-attaches to tmux session if exists, so quitting ratpoison and then restarting it re-attaches to the tmux session.. You need to have your .Xresources setup nicely too for urxvt, see the wiki.
My .ratpoisonrc - The following simply launces urxvt and then chromium because I like to have pandora music playing. It splits chromium to 1/7th the screen size so only the pandora title and play/next buttons are showing.. The rest is my beautiful tmux in urxvt.
alias snapshot exec import -window root png:$HOME/xwd-$(date +%s)$$.png exec /usr/bin/chromium vsplit 1/7 focus exec urxvt -e bash -c "TMPDIR=~/tmp/.tmux; tmux -L$USER -q has-session && exec tmux -L$USER attach-session -d || exec tmux -L$USER new-session -n$USER -s$USER@$HOSTNAME" focus
Haha, I'm about to blow your mind! Search the aur for 'pianobar' which is a console version of Pandora. Works like a charm in tmux/ratpoison, no reliance on a browser, and won't play any ads. Oh yeah.
One thing at a time
Hi all ! I'm on RP for 2 weeks now (I mean, really ON, so tweaking rconf, making scripts etc) on all my computers, and it's... WOW, an awesome WM !!
I started using it 1 month ago for my notebook (to save space), and 2 weeks ago, I have found this topic ! I'm now with a config I really like (but can/will be improved anyway)
I just got a question about the tmpwm command... I tried using it with tinyWM and evilWM, so I killed them to go back to RP, but I get stuck on root window without being able to do anything, Escape key does not works, as my "quit" bind, so I have to hard-reboot the PC to fix the bug... Not that usefull ^^
Does anybody ever encoutered this ?
Anyway, here is my whole config
ratpoisonrc :
# ~/.ratpoisonrc
# options
startup_message off
unmanage MPlayer
unmanage Feh
# ratpoison
set border 0
set padding 0 0 0 42
set fgcolor #84ff00
set bgcolor #1d1d1d
set font "Terminus 8"
set winname name
set winfmt %s%8t
set font "URW Gothic L :size=14"
# hooks
addhook restart exec killall conky
addhook switchgroup groups
# aliases
alias ls exec ratpoison -c "echo $(~/bin/rpls 1 5)"
# workspaces
# exec rpws init 4 -a
gnew main
gnewbg chat
gnewbg media
gnewbg games
gnewbg stuff
gmerge default
gdelete default
## binds
# Use CAPSLOCK as an escape key
# exec xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 66 = F13'
# escape F13
escape s-space
# session
bind q quit
bind R restart
definekey top C-M-q quit
definekey top C-M-r restart
bind Escape abort
# workspace managing
bind g groups
bind P exec ratpoison -c "gprev" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "next"
bind N exec ratpoison -c "gnext" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "next"
definekey top C-M-Left exec ratpoison -c "gprev" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "next"
definekey top C-M-Right exec ratpoison -c "gnext" -c "select -" -c "only" -c "next"
definekey top s-F1 exec gselect 1
definekey top s-F2 exec gselect 2
definekey top s-F3 exec gselect 3
definekey top s-F4 exec gselect 4
definekey top s-F5 exec gselect 5
# direction
bind Tab next
bind k focusup
bind j focusdown
bind h focusleft
bind l focusright
bind K exchangeup
bind J exchangedown
bind H exchangeleft
bind L exchangeright
# other
bind o only
bind d delete
bind x remove
bind colon colon
bind question help root
# window managing
bind n next
bind p prev
bind s split
bind v hsplit
bind r resize
definekey top s-u undo
definekey top s-r redo
definekey top C-w delete
# cursor management
bind Left ratclick 1
bind Right ratclick 2
bind Down rathold down
bind Up rathold up
# display root script
alias showroot exec ratpoison -c fdump; ratpoison -c 'select -' -c only
definekey top s-d exec ratpoison -c "showroot" -c "ls"
# windows
definekey top M-F4 delete
definekey top s-Tab focus
definekey top s-j focusdown
definekey top s-k focusup
definekey top s-h focusleft
definekey top s-l focusright
definekey top s-p prev
definekey top s-n next
definekey top s-Left prev
definekey top s-Right next
# cursor
definekey top M-h ratrelwarp -20 0
definekey top M-j ratrelwarp 0 20
definekey top M-k ratrelwarp 0 -20
definekey top M-l ratrelwarp 20 0
definekey top KP_Left ratrelwarp -20 0
definekey top KP_Down ratrelwarp 0 20
definekey top KP_Up ratrelwarp 0 -20
definekey top KP_Right ratrelwarp 20 0
# applications
bind f exec dwb
bind t time
bind c exec urxvtc
bind space exec urxvtc
definekey top s-w exec dwb
definekey top s-W exec chromium
definekey top s-c exec urxvtc
definekey top s-C exec urxvtc -e screen
definekey top s-x exec xterm
definekey top s-f exec pcmanfm
definekey top s-g exec ratpoison -c "gselect stuff"; urxvtc -e mutt
definekey top s-G exec ratpoison -c "gselect chat"; urxvtc -e ssh ###@###
definekey top s-q exec ratpoison -c "gselect games"; ~/.qlprism/
definekey top s-Q exec ratpoison -c "gselect games"; ioquake3 +set fs_game defrag
definekey top s-v exec ratpoison -c "gselect media"; wolfcamql
definekey top s-V exec ratpoison -c "gselect media"; wolfcamql +set protocol 68
definekey top Print exec scrot ~/pictures/scrnsht/ratpoison-%Y-%d-%m.png; ratpoison -c "echo Screenshot token !"
# media keys
definekey top XF86AudioMute exec amixer set Master toggle
definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer set Master 1%+ unmute; ratpoison -c "echo vol. -- $(amixer sget Master | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')"
definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer set Master 1%- unmute; ratpoison -c "echo vol. -- $(amixer sget Master | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')"
definekey top XF86AudioNext exec ncmpcpp next >/dev/null
definekey top XF86AudioPrev exec ncmpcpp prev >/dev/null
definekey top XF86AudioPlay exec ncmpcpp toggle >/dev/null
definekey top XF86AudioStop exec ncmpcpp stop >/dev/null
definekey top C-XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec ncmpcpp volume +10
definekey top C-XF86AudioLowerVolume exec ncmpcpp volume -10
# exec on startup
exec feh --bg-scale ~/pictures/wallpaper/pacman-tree.jpg > /dev/null &
exec unclutter -idle 1 &
exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr > /dev/null &
exec conky > /dev/null &
# banish cursor
exec ratpoison -c "banish"
As I didn't find something like that elsewhere, I wrote my own script to display every windows and know in which group they are.
Here is a screenshot : Root windows + rpls script
rpls script :
# ratpoison script
# List all opened windows
# usage :
# ~/bin/rpls <first_group_number> <last_group_number>
getws() {
WS=$(ratpoison -c "groups" | grep "*" | sed -e 's/.*\*//')
getwin() {
WIN=$(ratpoison -c "windows" | sed -e 's/.*[-*+]/ /')
[ "$WIN" == "No managed windows" ] && WIN=''
CURWS=$(ratpoison -c "groups" | grep "*" | sed -e 's/.*\*//')
CURWWIN=$(ratpoison -c "windows" | grep "*" | sed -e 's/.*\*//')
if [ "$#" == "3" ]; then
echo "syntax : rpls <1st_groupno> <last_groupno>"
exit 1
for i in $(seq $FST $LST); do
ratpoison -c "gselect $i"
echo -e "$WS -----\n$WIN"
ratpoison -c "gselect $CURWS" -c "select $CURWWIN"
Hobbes: Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin: Do I look like a sissy ?
I have used ratpoison quite some time (five years on trackpad broken laptop) Now it is gone with my config. I really like srijan4 config and adapted one for myself on my new laptop. I can't live with lxde on laptop and now I'm using again ratpoison. However I can't remember how I did it but I had on the bottom windowlist in every window. Any hints?
I'll post my config with pics when its ready
However I can't remember how I did it but I had on the bottom windowlist in every window. Any hints?
I think you can do that with ratbar. Not sure, I don't use ratbar (don't like the idea of dedicate screen space to that, I just use ctrl-t w)
Last edited by chris_l (2013-02-20 17:47:04)
"open source is about choice"
Open source is about opening the source code complying with this conditions, period. The ability to choose among several packages is just a nice side effect.
To keep my promises I took the shot. This laptop has 1024x600 screen. last one had something like 800-900x576. Part of the screen was behind the bezel.
Anyway. I have just installed this machine and it satrts to feel like usable machine.
I installded ratpoison-git from AUR
And the .ratpoisonrc
# ~/.ratpoisonrc
startup_message off
unmanage rpbar
unmanage MPlayer
unmanage feh
escape Super_L
# make a screenshot
alias sshot exec import -window root ~/screenshot-`date +%F`.jpg
definekey top Print sshot
#virtual desks
gnewbg one
gnewbg two
definekey top M-l exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "gprev" -c "next"
definekey top M-h exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "gnext" -c "next"
definekey top M-C-Left resize -20 0
definekey top M-C-Right resize 20 0
definekey top M-C-Up resize 0 20
definekey top M-C-Down resize 0 -20
#switch between windows
definekey top M-k next
definekey top M-j prev
unbind c
#unbind w
bind c exec urxvt -rv +sb -sl 1000 -fn "xft:Monospace:pixelsize=12,7x13" -ls -tr -sh 40
#bind w exec ~/bin/windows
bind o exec firefox "`ratpoison -c getsel`"
bind f exec firefox
bind e exec emacs
bind l exec xscreensaver-command -lock
bind L quit
msgwait 4
set winname title
set winfmt %n %s %t
set fgcolor Grey90
set bgcolor #191919
set font -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
set winliststyle column
set inputwidth 400
set waitcursor 1
set padding 0 14 0 14
set barpadding 10 5
set wingravity n
set transgravity center
set bargravity center
set border 0
set barborder 1
set inputwidth 800
exec conky
exec rpbar
# hooks
addhook switchwin exec rpbarsend
addhook switchframe exec rpbarsend
addhook switchgroup exec rpbarsend
addhook deletewindow exec rpbarsend
# RP versions >= 1.4.6 (from the git repo) have these hooks.
# Recommended!
addhook titlechanged exec rpbarsend
addhook newwindow exec rpbarsend
.conkyrc Which is much based on srijan4 file.
# ~/.conkyrc
draw_shades no
alignment top_left
gap_x 10
gap_y 0
use_xft yes
minimum_size 1000 1
default_bar_size 50 5
color0 a5bf98
color1 dddddd
color2 aaaaaa
xftfont monospace:size=8
#xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans:size=8
${color0}Disk: ${color1}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}${color2} :: ${color0}Battery: ${color1}${battery_percent BAT1}% ${color2}:: ${color0}Temp: ${color1}$acpitemp°C ${color2}:: ${color0}Cpu: ${color1}$cpu% ${color2}:: ${color0}Mem: ${color1}$memperc% ${color2}::${color0} WLAN: ${color1}${wireless_essid wlan0} ${wireless_bitrate wlan0} ${wireless_link_bar wlan0} :: ${alignr 2}${color1}${time %d %b} ${time %H:%M%p}
And I used rpbar from
and edited its settings.hh
#ifndef SETTINGS_N7KJ765I
#define SETTINGS_N7KJ765I
#define RPBAR_WIN_NAME "rpbar"
#define RPBAR_SOCKET_PATH "/tmp/rpbarsocket"
#define RPBAR_SEP "$)@="
#define RPBAR_TOP 1
#define RPBAR_BUFSIZE 2048
// Look at wmii or vim colorschemes
#define RPBAR_BORDERCOLOR "#666666"
#define RPBAR_BGCOLOR "#191919"
#define RPBAR_FGCOLOR "#859f78"
#define RPBAR_MAINBGCOLOR "#292929"
#define RPBAR_MAINFGCOLOR "#ddddff"
#define RPBAR_FONT_STR "-*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
#endif /* end of include guard: SETTINGS_N7KJ765I */
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
just wrote a "meta split" for rp today, here's the script: adds the functionality of splitting not current frame but the "overall frame", (i.e the screen)
___________ | | |__________| | | |__________|
after "metasplit right":
___________ | | | |_____| | | | | |_____|____|
*edit: the script is slightly altered to run the command directly
Does anyone have this script still before the link went down? This is exactly the kind of functionality I need.
After distro to distro for about 2 years, I ended up using Arch.
Now, after de to de, after wm to wm, I think I would end up drinking ratpoison :-)
I have been using Arch + ratpoison for a week.
I have learned much from ratpoisonrc-samples posted on this thread.
thank u all.
Amazing !
Here is mine .ratpoisonrc Basic and just what I need:
unmanage feh
unmanage thunar
#colors and font
set font "dejavu mono-12"
set bgcolor #9c8d92
set fgcolor #2e2227
set bwcolor #827478
set fwcolor #fff3f9
exec conky -c ~/.conkyratpoisonrc
#exec conky -c ~/.conkyratpoisonrc2
exec rpws init 4 -k
#----Key bindings.
bind c exec urxvt
bind d exec dmenu_run -b -fn '-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-22-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -nb '#fff3f9' -nf '#827478' -sb '#2e2227' -sf '#9c8d92'
bind D tmpwm dwm
bind y set padding 0 18 0 0
bind Y set padding 0 0 0 0
bind q quit
definekey top M-Left focusleft
definekey top M-Up focusup
definekey top M-Right focusright
definekey top M-Down focusdown
definekey top M-h focusleft
definekey top M-k focusup
definekey top M-l focusright
definekey top M-j focusdown
definekey top C-M-Left exchangeleft
definekey top C-M-Up exchangeup
definekey top C-M-Right exchangeright
definekey top C-M-Left exchangeleft
definekey top C-M-H exchangeleft
definekey top C-M-j exchangedown
definekey top C-M-k exchangeup
definekey top C-M-l exchangeright
definekey top M-n next
definekey top M-p prev
definekey top M-1 exec rpws 1
definekey top M-2 exec rpws 2
definekey top M-3 exec rpws 3
definekey top M-4 exec rpws 4
#----general settings.
#reserve a space on the screen for conky. Turn on/off this space with 'y/Y' key, set above, under the bindings section.
set padding 0 18 0 0
#Set the size of borders (window, bar etc)
set border 1
set barborder 1
#Time, in seconds, of Ratpoion's bar permanence on screen
msgwait 7
#Set the windows naming style. Can be 'title', 'name' or 'class'.
set winname title
This is likely how my .ratpoisonrc will stay for the forseeable future. To make things easier, I recommend changing the escape key to Caps Lock. It saves a lot of key strokes and is close to the left pinky which makes executing multiple commands very fast and easy. The keybindings and options in this configuration creates a very vim-like experience with ratpoison, and has enough options to make using ratpoison feel very robust for a manual tiler.
## Set escape key to Caps Lock key after xmodmap
escape F13
## Use Openbox as a temporary window manager
bind backslash exec ratpoison -c "tmpwm openbox"
## Startup
startup_message off
exec nitrogen --restore
exec xmobar &
exec syndaemon -i 1 -d
set winname class
bind C-k delete
bind Return colon
## rpbar
unmanage rpbar
exec rpbar
addhook swichwin exec rpbarsend
addhook switchframe exec rpbarsend
addhook switchgroup exec rpbarsend
addhook deletewindow exec rpbarsend
## recommended
addhook titlechanged exec rpbarsend
addhook newwindow exec rpbarsend
## Look and feel
set fgcolor white
set bgcolor black
set fwcolor blue
set bwcolor red
#set barborder 0
set padding 0 17 0 17
defborder 1
defpadding 3 3 3 3
defbarpadding 3 3
## Restart, reboot, halt, banish
bind R exec ratpoison -c restart
bind C-BackSpace exec sudo reboot
bind C-Escape exec sudo shutdown -h now
bind BackSpace banish
## Multiple workspaces with rpws
exec rpws -i
exec /usr/bin/rpws init 12 -k
bind C-F1 gmove wspl1
bind C-F2 gmove wspl2
bind C-F3 gmove wspl3
bind C-F4 gmove wspl4
bind C-F5 gmove wspl5
bind C-F6 gmove wspl6
bind C-F7 gmove wspl7
bind C-F8 gmove wspl8
bind C-F9 gmove wspl9
bind C-F10 gmove wspl10
bind C-F11 gmove wspl11
bind C-F12 gmove wspl12
## launcher
bind semicolon exec interrobang
## Browser
bind b exec firefox
bind B exec chromium
## Email
bind e exec thunderbird
## Terminal
bind space exec urxvt -e tmux
bind M-x exec tmux kill-pane
bind M-s exec tmux split-window -v
bind M-S exec tmux split-window -h
bind M-h exec tmux select-pane -L
bind M-j exec tmux select-pane -D
bind M-k exec tmux select-pane -U
bind M-l exec tmux select-pane -R
## Office
bind o exec libreoffice
## File Manager
bind f exec sunflower
## Torrent
bind t exec transmission-qt
## Video
bind v exec vlc
## Music
bind m exec spotify
## Chaste/Promiscuous
unbind minus
bind minus dedicate 1
bind equal dedicate 0
## Focus
unbind k
unbind w
bind bracketright exec dratmenu
bind q only
bind j focusdown
bind h focusleft
bind k focusup
bind l focusright
## Exchange
unbind x
bind x remove
bind bracketleft swap
bind J exchangedown
bind H exchangeleft
bind K exchangeup
bind L exchangeright