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I wrote a small utility that allows you to bind commands to mouse button events at the screen corners in X, it's called fittstool, after Fitt's law (check'_law).
It's located at:
I've tested in only in Openbox but it seems to work fine with my setup (1 monitor, Openbox, tint2 panel). It uses less than a MB of memory.
One example use is to use it as a replacement for Volwheel (it's too big, a Perl interpreter takes around 10MB of RAM), binding mouse wheel scroll up and down events to the "amixer" command. I use it for some application launching tasks and for Rhythmbox control presently.
Here's my ~/.config/fittstool/fittstoolrc for you to gain some insight on what it can be used for:
#volume control in the top right corner:
TopRight.WheelUp = amixer -q sset Master 2+
TopRight.WheelDown = amixer -q sset Master 2-
TopRight.RightButton = amixer -q sset Master toggle
TopRight.LeftButton = xterm -C alsamixer
#launch applications
BottomRight.LeftButton = xterm -C htop
BottomLeft.LeftButton = opera -nomail -nolirc -notrayicon
TopLeft.LeftButton = thunar ~
TopLeft.RightButton = thunar /media/data/download
#Rhythmbox control
#this will start rhythmbox if not started
BottomCenter.LeftButton = rhythmbox-client --play-pause
BottomCenter.RightButton = rhythmbox-client --next
Once you get used to such shortcuts you gain another level of usability to your computer experience matching that of keyboard shortcuts - you can use these actions at the screen corners with the same quickness with your right hand, just as doing "ctrl-c", "ctrl-s" with your left one!
Here's a sparse wiki page about usage:
You're welcome to hack on the code and make it better if there's something that it lacks.
Here's a PKGBUILD for it, so you can install it via pacman:
# Contributor: Yasen Atanasov <>
pkgdesc="A tool for binding mouse button events on the screen corners in X to commands."
depends=(libxcb glib2)
build() {
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver"
./configure --prefix=/usr
make || return 1
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install