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#1 2009-03-31 10:09:22

Registered: 2007-01-28
Posts: 162

emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Are any users of the file manager emelfm2 experiencing crashes very recently?

I have a feeling that either the upgrade of gtk2 2.14.7-2 -> 2.16.0-1 or (less probably) kernel -> is causing it to crash and sometimes lock up X entirely.  (Nothing in the logs, the usual error on the crash is Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0).   This happens only on file delete / getting information about a file / changing permissions.

I am a long-time user of emelfm2 and am in contact with the developer, but I am trying to find out if the problem is specific to my own box or Arch.


#2 2009-03-31 15:05:54

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 726

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

You are right - it's crashing quite often with my fully-updated Arch system.
In fact, I filed a particular bug report at but it seems to fail in other ways too, mostly fairly unpredictably.
Very frustrating indeed!


#3 2009-03-31 15:21:42

Registered: 2007-01-28
Posts: 162

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Thanks ninian. 

I have not been able to provoke crashes other than in the ways I mentioned, but of course our uses may differ.  If you want to be more specific about them, I will happily pass them on.  For the time being, I will quote below the developer's response (as of today), to my own experience :

This is the sort of error message I associate with more than 1 (parallel) attempt to update the screen. There are supposed to be blocks in place to prevent this happening.

It could be that gtk 2.16 does something badly (e2 uses threads more than many apps, and will show up any weakness). Or perhaps gtk 2.16 just works differently, and so unmasks something that emelfm2 is doing badly. But we did look into thread locking quite a bit in times past.

Obviously I will welcome and pass on comments from other Arch emelfm2 users.


#4 2009-04-02 20:00:06

From: Chennai/Birmingham,AL
Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 88

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

I am having the same trouble too...

On my desktop box that I have not done any updating after a recent install, emelfm2 still works fine, whereas on my laptop which is "bleeding edge" emelfm2 crashes with deleting files.

Last edited by jaydoc (2009-04-02 20:09:09)

It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious - A N Whitehead


#5 2009-04-02 20:44:53

Registered: 2007-01-28
Posts: 162

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Thanks for that jaydoc.  I will pass it on.

I am in e-mail contact with Tom, the developer, and yesterday he tried a possible fix in svn.  Unfortunately it did not work for me, and I do not think that he has got to the bottom of the problem yet.

I will be grateful to hear of other people's experiences - does anyone running regular updates find that emelfm2 is still working perfectly?

I will obvioulsy report back if there is any progress.


#6 2009-04-03 09:25:08

Registered: 2007-12-07
Posts: 1,784

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

I am no power user of emelfm2, but I am willing to become one. So it's my only file manager at the moment (so I'm forced to use it outside the terminal wink ) I have the same issue.

Just one little question about emelfm2, is it possible to make it use gamin / fam? It's the only thing that disturbs me at the moment


#7 2009-04-04 06:09:47

From: Chennai/Birmingham,AL
Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 88

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

emelfm2 and links2 are my favorite pieces of software at the moment - for my "lean" "mean" openbox+arch linux install.

I hope the problem gets fixed sooner than later...!

It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious - A N Whitehead


#8 2009-04-04 22:06:46

From: Zurich, Switzerland
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 161

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

It works just fine here.

Don't panic!


#9 2009-04-05 11:16:30

Registered: 2007-12-01
Posts: 143

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Here it crashes every time I try to create a dir...I'll try downgrading

Keep it Simple, Sexy


#10 2009-04-05 14:21:23

Registered: 2007-12-01
Posts: 143

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Well that didn't help...downgrading made X crash. svn in aur performs a bit better. It doesn't crash as often at least.

Keep it Simple, Sexy


#11 2009-04-08 00:37:11

Registered: 2008-08-15
Posts: 103

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Emelfm2 is my file manager.  I now get crashing too.  I've moved to another util, awaiting a fresh emelfm2 release.

I've never before seen crashing, in 2 years at least, through continuous Arch upgrades.  The program was rock solid.

But after upgrading a few days ago, suddenly emelfm2 starts crashing, every time I right-click in a panel and try to do anything.

OpenBox window manager, all libraries and xorg up-to-date.  It could be some bug in GTK+, who knows, but something needs to be fixed somewhere.


#12 2009-04-08 07:59:59

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 726

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

+1: I have a very similar position to DaveCode.
Have reverted to (a patched) version of the original emelfm for now!


#13 2009-04-08 16:53:02

Registered: 2007-12-01
Posts: 143

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

ninian wrote:

+1: I have a very similar position to DaveCode.
Have reverted to (a patched) version of the original emelfm for now!

Same here. Does the job just as well, doesn't crash, looks damn ugly though wink

Keep it Simple, Sexy


#14 2009-04-10 07:54:04

Registered: 2007-01-28
Posts: 162

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

The developer (Tom), has been trying various fixes in svn, but without knowing exactly what the problem was.  None of them worked.  His view as of yesterday is that the menu activation process is broken in gtk 2.16. There's a race between the latter phase of menu-activation and menu-destruction, and it often ends up trying to process non-existent objects, particularly when more than 1 thread is involved, -  and emelfm2 makes extensive use of threads.  He has seen the same effect now in some unrelated program.  The details of all this are beyond me, and I understand Tom to be saying that there is no immediate solution in sight, and one may have to await discussions with the gtk devs.

I tried reverting to older versions of emelfm2 myself, but they don't do the job for me, and I am going back to emelfm for the time being.

Sorry not to have better news.  I will post again as soon as I have any further information.

Army wrote

Just one little question about emelfm2, is it possible to make it use gamin / fam? It's the only thing that disturbs me at the moment

You can do this at compile time, but not as a configuration option.  emelfm2 is an easy compile, if you look in the Install instructions you will find that certain parameters can be changed by using (eg) USE_INOTIFY=1, USE_DNOTIFY=1, USE_GAMIN=1, USE_FAM=1  etc.

Last edited by perseus (2009-04-10 07:55:23)


#15 2009-04-10 13:38:29

Registered: 2006-10-31
Posts: 54

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Thanks for the heads up, perseus. I'm having this same problem after last pacman -Syu. Error messages vary from time to time. This sounds like a major issue with gtk, especially if some other applications are affected. Hopefully devs can resolve this quickly, or somebody comes up with a patch.

Arch linux


#16 2009-04-10 20:51:47

Registered: 2007-12-07
Posts: 1,784

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

perseus wrote:

Army wrote

Just one little question about emelfm2, is it possible to make it use gamin / fam? It's the only thing that disturbs me at the moment

You can do this at compile time, but not as a configuration option.  emelfm2 is an easy compile, if you look in the Install instructions you will find that certain parameters can be changed by using (eg) USE_INOTIFY=1, USE_DNOTIFY=1, USE_GAMIN=1, USE_FAM=1  etc.

Thanks! smile I'll give it a shot, as soon as these issues are solved. I'm back on pcmanfm atm, but really willing to switch. Which of these four options would you recommend? I don't want to use fam, but among the others, which might be the best solution?

Last edited by Army (2009-04-10 20:52:55)


#17 2009-04-19 19:22:20

Registered: 2007-01-28
Posts: 162

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

After some ups and downs, Tom has today provided a pre-release which, on my system and so far, works perfectly.

I have had only a very limited time to test.  Any feedback from those of you willing to try a self-compile will be gratefully received. … 19.tar.bz2

Army wrote

Which of these four options would you recommend? I don't want to use fam, but among the others, which might be the best solution?

I have not made much of a survey.  I use inotify, but that is just habit really.  It is very easy to try the alternatives if you are doing a self-compile.

Last edited by perseus (2009-04-19 19:50:30)


#18 2009-04-19 23:54:19

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2004-05-03
Posts: 26

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Hi perseus,

Thanks so much for your updates and link to the pre-release file. emelfm2 reliably crashed on me lately when deleting files, creating directories and all that, but this version works perfectly for me, I did not change any options in the Makefile.config though, apart from prefix=/usr, before make;make install'ing.

Again, many thanks - to you and the developer.



#19 2009-04-20 20:01:03

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 726

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?


Many thanks to you and Tom for chasing this up.
Am now starting to test this pre-release version, with the following changes made to Makefile.config:

USE_FAM ?= 1
PREFIX ?= /usr

If you don't hear from me again, assume it's good news!


#20 2009-04-23 15:40:01

Registered: 2006-10-31
Posts: 54

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Pre-release works perfectly for me. Thanks for the update.

Arch linux


#21 2009-05-10 11:27:14

Registered: 2007-12-01
Posts: 143

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Created a PKGFILE for those interested, but I can't guarantee it'll keep working. Depends on how long the pre-release of May 1st will remain on the server.

pkgdesc="A file manager that implements the popular two-pane design"
arch=(i686 x86_64)

build() {
  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
  make PREFIX=/usr
  make PREFIX=${pkgdir}/usr install
  make PREFIX=${pkgdir}/usr install_i18n

  install -m 755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/emelfm2/emelfm2_48.png \
  sed -e '/Icon=/ s^emelfm2/emelfm2_48.png^emelfm2.png^' \
      -e '/Categories=/ s^;$^;Application;Utility;^' \
      -i ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/emelfm2.desktop

Last edited by celettu (2009-05-10 11:27:42)

Keep it Simple, Sexy


#22 2009-05-13 20:23:57

From: Chennai/Birmingham,AL
Registered: 2008-12-30
Posts: 88

Re: emelfm2 crashing since gtk upgrade?

Hi there...

Thanks for this PKGBUILD... Maybe you should put this up in AUR, so folk like me tht are afraid of installing from source could keep using it until the package in extra gets updated.

I was actually using emelfm2-svn from the AUR to get around this issue, but for some strange reason, it errors out on compiling as of today. Your PKGBUILD works just fine.

It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious - A N Whitehead


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