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I was browsing in the library here @ CSTCC today when I noticed a book published in 1986 entitled "Understanding Artificial Intelligence." I immediately reached for it and started browsing through the pages. What first impressed me about this book is that it was actually written to be understood easily and comprehensively. I of course had to take the book home with me. I'm now on chapter 4 which covers natural language processing. So far I am enthralled by the subject matter contained in this book! My only complaint is that most of the material is outdated. Even so the information is still relevant to an introductory learning experience.
I would like to know if anyone else has read any of the other books contained in this excellent (IMHO) series. Also, would anyone be able to share more recent publications similar to this one or relevant to Comp Sci / Elec Eng / Comp Eng? I'm looking for books not necessarily intended for the expert, but rather the enthusiast. TIA!
- Rusty
I haven't read any of these, but thanks for pointing out the series. Sometimes easily readable information is all but non-existent in the science fields, and many books make me feel like I need a Ph.D. in the topic to even think about reading it. I may look into them and see what else they put in the series.
Yeah the AI book (Understanding Artificial Intelligence) covers the following topics:
1. What is AI
2. The History of AI
3. Expert Systems
4. Natural Language Processing (try comparing with Google now.)
5. Amplifying Human Capabilities (I believe this should be the farthest humans ever advance.)
6. Other AI Applications
7. Symbolic Processing
8. Expert System Development Tools
9. LISP Machines
10. Continuing Efforts in AI
At any rate haven't read much due to my recent (and as of now shortlived) affinity for intellectual inactivity. (Don't know what got into me.)
But anyway. Still a good one. You'll have to get a diff book to cover more philosophical issues when dealing with AI. Just the facts as I like to put it.