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this is the first time I try to go from mp3 --> CDA
normal data burning in k3b works.
but this didn't, so I ended up with a broken CD (not blank anymore), also ended up with a very slow system respone. and some sound (alsa) stuff in my console concerning the problem I 've faced. {cannot find them now}
anyone that had sucess in mp3 --> CDA with k3b in AL {on the fly}
slow system response?
you should run 'top' in a terminal to see what's eating up all your cpu. The most cpu-intensive task will be the first process in the list.
It's entirely possible that it isn't something related to k3b, but some process came in and interrupted the program from decoding and burning your mp3s.
I'm assuming you rebooted though, so it's too late to analyze the problem.
I'm assuming you rebooted though, so it's too late to analyze the problem.
I know top. But I was trying to close my pc normally.
it worked but you press C-A-BKSP but after 20 seconds this would really show progress on happening.
I just posted here, if anyone has a success story doing mp3-->CDA via k3b [note I'm running it via GNOME]
thx though
what kernel do you use?
the (vanilla, unpatched) has a known memory leak when trying to burn audio ( )
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
damn! first time i try to burn audio and it's a kernel issue..
Still a great vanilla [don't like to patch]
I can wait..
thanks dp.
some stuff needed in this forum are:
quick reply [ server would not suffer from low bandwidth]
'karma' in the post. So I could give you 5 out of 5 starts for this post
some stuff needed in this forum are:
quick reply [ server would not suffer from low bandwidth]
'karma' in the post. So I could give you 5 out of 5 starts for this post
1. yes quick reply would be great but i get tired of supporting a request that is not being heard.
2. you could have done a forum search and saved yourself the karma as this issues was dealt with a few weeks ago in several posts.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
1. yes quick reply would be great but i get tired of supporting a request that is not being heard.
2. you could have done a forum search and saved yourself the karma as this issues was dealt with a few weeks ago in several posts.
1. I'm to FOR it. who is the forum admin? {please this can save bandwitdh from the server}!!
2. I thing I searched, maybe I did not. thanks anyways..
yes, i agree - quick-reply would be very usefull ;-) (got used to it on LQ)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.