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I am the English admin & web developer for the Maryan Linux project. Let me just say what it is so you don't have to go researching about it.
Maryan Linux is a Linux distribution, based on Arch, using E17 as its DE. It is designed to be extra user friendly, but fast, stable and bleeding edge using the Arch Linux repos with Pacman.
What I, the lead developer (Maty1206) and second lead developer (smartboyathome) need is a programmer, who is experienced or good enough to build a friendly front end GUI for Arch Linux's AIF installer. It's a community project, so their really isn't any pay. Doesn't matter what language the programmer uses, as long as it works for the task (No java though). So if anyone wants to do it, can and has the time, just post a comment here.
The main benefit is that it also benefits other projects that need a GTK installer and Arch distros that use XFCE, Gnome, any *box, E17, LXDE etc. would use a GTK installer for Arch. The installer will obviously be under GPL so everyone can use it.
Maryan Linux website:
Isn't there anyone who is interested? We really need someone.
Last edited by molom (2009-04-16 09:27:17)