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I'm trying to write a few bash scripts to read *.desktop files and convert them to a filetype I can use in a pipe-menu for openbox.. I want to take the Name and Exec from each desktop file and stuff them in a seperate file for each application so I can use these in my openbox pipe-menu..
I've got this so far:
for file in *.desktop
appname=$(cat $file | grep Name= | cut -d "=" -f2)
appexec=$(cat $file | grep Exec= | cut -d "=" -f2)
newfile=$(echo $(echo $file | cut -d "." -f1).item)
echo Name=$appname > $newfile
echo Exec=$appexec >> $newfile
rm $file
however, I'm wondering if there is a more elegant solution to building pipe-menus besides making directories called Accessories, Games, etc. and stuffing them with my *.item files which follow the following format:
With my army of penguins, I shall overthrow governments and free those who have been waiting for liberty.
Pages: 1