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I posted this in another thread too, but since a discussion would be off-topic there (
Here a Python script that creates a Google Calendar-event in the main calendar, with as subject the contents of a specified file.
Feel free to post modifications/optimizations! I use it this way to get notified of unanswered conversations in finch (as in the thread above), it was easier to work with a file then with specifying arguments..
PS. The script uses python-mechanize, which is in community.
# From: gondil
# To: the Arch Linux forums ;)
# Version 2 (deletion added)
import mechanize
import sys
import urllib2
import httplib
from urllib2 import HTTPError
# Create a mechanize browser
mech = mechanize.Browser()
# With Goggles desired UAgent
mech.addheaders = [("User-agent", "Java/1.5.0_06")]
# See the G-API: We need a some token here, that is displayed by /~pkelchte/ (mah personal php site on ESAT that only does that)"")
# But before we get the token, we need to submit our user-data
mech["Passwd"] = "" # AND THIS WITH YOUR PASSWORD
print "Did not submit credentials"
sys.exit("Error in submitting credentials")
# Because that's not enough, we need to confirm that we want to go trough with this and submit another form...
# By now, we have one token, but it's not the final token! We need *another* token, called the AuthSubSessionToken, sigh...
mech.addheaders = [("Authorization", "AuthSub token=\"" + mech.response().read() + "\""), ("User-agent", "Java/1.5.0_06")]"")
# A bunch of tokens later...
# Let's use urllib2 to do this POST request (some xml-y thing is the string you would manually type in the "New event" box on Google Calendar)
# Encore some headers
authsub = "AuthSub token=\"" + mech.response().read().replace("\n","").split("=")[1] + "\""
headers = {"Authorization": authsub, "User-Agent": "Java/1.5.0_06", "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "GData-Version": "2"}
# Read the file that we're interested in! Damn, it's so interesting!!
file = open('/home/gondil/public_html/fifo', 'r') # CHANGE THIS FILE WITH YOUR THING
message =
# The actual event
event = """
<entry xmlns='' xmlns:gCal=''>
<content type="html">""" + message + """</content>
<gCal:quickadd value="true"/>
req = urllib2.Request("", event, headers)
calresponse = urllib2.urlopen(req)
# Normally, we stop here... but since Google likes traffic, we need to go to a slightly different url, with the same headers and POST data
req2 = urllib2.Request(calresponse.geturl(), event, headers)
calresponse2 = urllib2.urlopen(req2)
# You can check but normally this is a 201 CREATED response or something, I don't really care... It's my code, right :P
except HTTPError, e :
# I placed this sleep to give the event at least a 20 second lifetime (poor, poor event...)
import time
# Retrieve the event's edit url
eventurl ="<link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href='")[1].split("'/>")[0]
# The Deletion has to be done via httplib, because Google wants a DELETE request (urllib2 only handles GET and POST)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("DELETE", eventurl, "", headers)
calresponse3 = conn.getresponse()
# Again, they like to have a little more traffic, we need to append a session ID to that last url (we can find it in the redirect page)
eventurl2 ="HREF=\"")[1].split("\"")[0]
# Ooh and here there is need of a new header, no questions please
headers2 = {"Authorization": authsub, "User-Agent": "Java/1.5.0_06", "Content-Type": "application/atom+xml", "GData-Version": "2", "If-Match": "*"}
conn.request("DELETE", eventurl2, "", headers2)
calresponse4 = conn.getresponse()
# No errors? Ok we can close the connection
index.php looks like this (again I don't guarantee that I'll keep my index.php page like that for eternity, but I'll notify you when the url changes):
print $_POST['token'];
print $_GET['token'];
Last edited by gondil (2009-04-23 22:45:38)