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# Filename:
from subprocess import call
package = raw_input('Package or group name: ')
call(['sudo', 'pacman', '-S', package])
It's just an interactive installer, I made it to easily install junk straight from my desktop, instead of having to go to the terminal and type everything. Now I just double click on the icon on my desktop, type in the package name and install. I think I'm gonna run with it and make something more out of it. Here's the install instructions.
Copy the code above, paste it in a file with the name Go into terminal, type:
chmod a+x
cp (bin path)/pypacman
then you can make a link to terminal application on the desktop or menu!
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
could add a really simple one line text box simialr to the Alt-F2 box (gmrun)
maybe include the termianl output in that gtk window so it is one self contained program.
i was looking at something similar to this yesterday. Namely the one click install that Suse have.
"is adult entertainment killing our children or is killing our children entertaining adults?" Marilyn Manson
It's very cute. Makes me want to feed it some C......
But really, it's a good start for a graphical or curses frontend to pacman.
Last edited by uncholowapo (2009-05-11 22:47:44)
A curses frontend to pacman would be good, but please, no gui. There are some people with no X11.
Last edited by Lexion (2009-05-11 23:27:45)
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