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my video card is a Sis 620 (onboard), and I am having problems playing movies on
mplayer and xine. If I set the video output to X11, then it's ok, but real slow. And
if I used XV output, the speed is ok, but the output is screwed up. There's a big purple
vertical line on the middle of the screen, and the rest of the image is kinda weird.
Anyone knows how I can fix this ?
sounds to me like your drivers for the onboard video are a bit off - try to update those and try again (I know nothing about SiS hardware, sorry)
I'm using the X.Org drivers for it. Unfortunately, this SiS chipset sucks (I hear
some of the new video cards by SiS are a little bit better).
i'd try linux questions if i were you to gain access to a potentially wider number of SiS users this is prolly not Arch specific if it affects mplayer and Xine