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hi, i have a little script that writes my played songs to some txt file on my webserver...
while true
OF=Playlist-$(date +%Y%m%d)
song=`mpc --format "%artist% %title% (%album% (%date%))" |head -n 1`
sleep $polltime
if [ "$song" != "$previous" ]; then
if [ -n "$song" ]; then
echo $(date +%H:%M:%S) $delimiter "$song" | sed -s '/repeat: off/d' >> $path/$OF
This works, but the output has some flaws:
15:15:44 - Gumball With a Little Rain (Revolution on Ice (1994))
15:16:11 - Stiltskin Rest In Peace (The Mind's Eye (1994))
15:19:05 - Yok Sound 3 (Liese Lotte Meyer Lebt (Back to the Rotz) (2006))
15:19:33 - Calexico Close Behind (Feast Of Wire (2003))
15:22:25 - Echobrain Anjali (Strange Enjoyment (2002))
Any idea how i can "tableize" this?
*edit* ok, the [Code] tab messes the ouput up even more... but you get the idea..
Last edited by Rasi (2009-06-05 13:25:46)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Hmm this is interesting. I first thought a direct song=`printf FORMAT $(mpc artist album date)` wouldn't work, so you would need:
song=`echo $(eval $(mpc --format 'printf "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s" "%artist%" "%title%" "(%album% (%date%))"' | head -n 1))`
But this looks really bad, even \n in the printf format didn't work because of eval.
The reason song=`printf FORMAT $(mpc --format "artist" "title" "(album(date))")` won't work is the space delimiter and the ignoring of " inside the mpc format.
So it would read for example printf "%10s %10s %10s" \"水樹奈々\" \"Take a shot\" \"(ALIVE&KICKING ())\" as being 6 arguments. In this case you would have to use printf "%10s %10s %10s" "$(mpc ARTIST)" "$(mpc TITLE)" etc
But the solution is IFS, just set it to something unique:
song=`printf "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s\n" $(mpc --format '%artist%@%title%@(%album% (%date%))' | head -n 1)`
echo "$song"
Last edited by Procyon (2009-06-05 14:25:25)
What is that file for? If you want to look at it using a browser, I'd generate htm instead of text, this way it'd be easy
pseydohtm (me little rusty here )
echo "<table>" > bla
while [...]
echo "<tr><td>%stuff</td><td>%morestuff</td>[...]</tr>" >> bla
or if you really want a text file, you can p.e....
1) use \t instead of spaces, that will already help a bit
2) do a "minimum column size" by using sed something like
sed 's/[^\t\n]1[:alnum:\\]1-5)\ *\t/\1 \t\t/g'
( which is also pseydo, because my regex is bad too. Maybe you get the idea:
"if the alphanumeric string that's between [beginning|newline|tab] and [tab|spaces+tab] is only 1-5 chars long, insert a second tab" )
edit: if you know how many spaces width a "full tab" is and want to make it exact, you can do so of course too by making the amount of tabs relational to the "shortness" of the string...
sed 's/[^\t\n]1[:alnum:\\]1-5)\ *\t/\1 \t\t/g'
sed 's/[^\t\n]1[:alnum:\\]6-10)\ *\t/\1 \t\t\t/g'
There might be better solutions though.
Last edited by whoops (2009-06-05 15:31:05)
Procyon, seems you've already solved it with IFS but i'd just like to note that awk would also work for this. (can you tell awk's my new favorite toy?)
mpc --format '%artist%@%title%@(%album% (%date%))' | head -n 1 | awk -F '@' '{printf "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s\n", $1, $2, $3}'
What is that file for? If you want to look at it using a browser, I'd generate htm instead of text, this way it'd be easy
pseydohtm (me little rusty here )echo "<table>" > bla [...] while [...] echo "<tr><td>%stuff</td><td>%morestuff</td>[...]</tr>" >> bla [...]
or if you really want a text file, you can p.e....
1) use \t instead of spaces, that will already help a bit
2) do a "minimum column size" by using sed something like
sed 's/[^\t\n]1[:alnum:\\]1-5)\ *\t/\1 \t\t/g'
( which is also pseydo, because my regex is bad too. Maybe you get the idea:
"if the alphanumeric string that's between [beginning|newline|tab] and [tab|spaces+tab] is only 1-5 chars long, insert a second tab" )
edit: if you know how many spaces width a "full tab" is and want to make it exact, you can do so of course too by making the amount of tabs relational to the "shortness" of the string...
sed 's/[^\t\n]1[:alnum:\\]1-5)\ *\t/\1 \t\t/g'
sed 's/[^\t\n]1[:alnum:\\]6-10)\ *\t/\1 \t\t\t/g'
etc...There might be better solutions though.
Interesting... the html is a nice idea...
i have come this far:
path="$HOME/Documents/_html/history" #path to write out files
delimiter="-" #used to seperate time and track info - other suggestions: ‣ ✠⠯ ♥
polltime=1 #how often to poll in seconds
OF=Playlist-$(date +%Y%m%d).html #filename format, placed here so it changes when date changes
echo "<table>" > $path/$OF
while true
# OF=Playlist-$(date +%Y%m%d) #filename format, placed here so it changes when date changes
song=`mpc --format "%artist% - %title%"|head -n 1`
artist=`mpc --format "%artist%"|head -n 1`
album=`mpc --format "%album%"|head -n 1`
track=`mpc --format "%title%"|head -n 1`
year=`mpc --format "%date%"|head -n 1`
sleep $polltime
if [ "$song" != "$previous" ]; then
if [ -n "$song" ]; then
echo "<tr><td>$(date +%H:%M:%S)</td><td>$artist</td><td>$track</td><td>$album ($year)</td></tr>" >> $path/$OF
Now i just need to find out how to actually draw table borders..
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Style the table with a CSS file.
ok.. got it sorted: here is my final script:
update: now checks for existing file and resumes, if present
path="$HOME/Documents/_html/history" #path to write out files
delimiter="-" #used to seperate time and track info - other suggestions: ‣ ✠⠯ ♥
polltime=1 #how often to poll in seconds
OF=Playlist-$(date +%Y%m%d).html #filename format, placed here so it changes when date changes
if [ -e "$path/$OF" ];then
echo "file exists... resuming..."
cat ~/bin/style > $path/$OF
echo "<table class="center">" >> $path/$OF
while true
# OF=Playlist-$(date +%Y%m%d) #filename format, placed here so it changes when date changes
song=`mpc --format "%artist% - %title%"|head -n 1`
artist=`mpc --format "%artist%"|head -n 1`
album=`mpc --format "%album%"|head -n 1`
track=`mpc --format "%title%"|head -n 1`
year=`mpc --format "%date%"|head -n 1`
sleep $polltime
if [ "$song" != "$previous" ]; then
if [ -n "$song" ]; then
echo "<tr><td>$(date +%H:%M:%S)</td><td>$artist</td><td>$track</td><td>$album ($year)</td></tr>" >> $path/$OF
Last edited by Rasi (2009-06-06 09:21:35)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams