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I tried to do an install today and ran into problems. The firsst time i tried it booted up but i had no usernames or anything so i could not log in. I tried to do another install and install more than just the base packages. It wouldnt boot up this time. i just got a grub on the screen. I then tried to do a hard drive install of the live cd. When that booted up I got a kernel panic. anyone know whats wrong?
after you have installed the base and rebooted you are automatically logged in as root,
so first thing to do is to set root password,
# passwd
to add a user you can use a little script,
# adduser
don't forget the passwords now!
these things are also mentioned in the manual,
you could take a look there also,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Ok I am redoing the install but heres a problem that I only know how ot solve one way and I am wondering if there is another way around it. The lilo boot loader is still installed from the live cd hd install. I need to get rid of it but i also have a partition that has all of my stuff backed up on. Is there a way i can get rid of it without redoing all the partitions?
installing grub will replace lilo and vice versa (or should).
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
well thats what i thought but it didnt.
where are you trying to install the bootloader to?
if it is the mbr theoretically installing one bootloader should replace the other. if it does not work you will have to erase the mbr. i know how to do it with windows but i don't recall how to do it in linux.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
i was installing it to the root drive. it never gave me the option to stick it on the mbr just my root or swap. I got it working by just installing the lilo boot loader but again ran into more problems. Im on the part of the installation where I got the basic system up and running i have my user account and i set up the root password. Now, if im doing what i think i am supposed to, i should be editing the config files. nano was supposed to have been installed but it says that the command is not recognized. I jsut skipped over it and went to try and get my net connection working. All there is for braodband is adsl setup. I decided to try that and see if i can my net working with adsl setup. I ran the adsl-setup command and that was not recognized either. I cannot seem to get anything to work the way its supposed to right now. Should I have installed more than just the base install?
you got vim,
# vim /etc/rc.conf
start editing with typing "i" and save and quit with
also check the wiki,
there is a document called "Desktop Arch" wich may give you a clue about all the stuff to be done,
good luck,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
I believe I have done all of the editing I need to do of those files but I could be wrong. Now my problem is getting my internet up and running. I edited the /etc/rc.conf file so that it looks like this
INTERFACES=(lo eth0)
I plug into a college network and am a bit confused as to what to do here. The command to get it working on the live cd is net-install. That command does not exist. In the install guide it looks as though I do adsl-setup. That command also does not exist. I am looking at this page here … 6%20Dialup From there I am not exactly sure which document to run through for a college network.
that looks ok if you are using dhcp,
€ ping -c 3
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
tried it says unkown host. do i need to tell my eth0 to start up? I saw something about that for one type of card but its not my brand. On the arch live cd start up this is what it says about my ethernet card.
Intel corp. 812801BD Pro /100 UE(MOB) Ethernet Controller
don't forget to put your eth0 module in /etc/rc.conf
€ ifconfig
shows if it's working
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
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