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#1 2009-06-12 18:48:46

Registered: 2009-04-07
Posts: 35

[HELP] Conky: one or more $endif's are missing

Today, I tried to custom a conkyrc file found in the web.
I've at least one syntax problem when I try to start conky:

[evasivefr@desktop ~]$ conky
Conky: one or more $endif's are missing
Conky: desktop window (120002e) is subwindow of root window (1a7)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x2800001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer

I don't know really what I've done which cause this problem, can you help me please ?

Here is my conkyrc:

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes
xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=9
xftalpha 0.9
text_buffer_size 2048

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1

# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
minimum_size 180 0
#maximum_width 250

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
border_margin 5

# border width
border_width 1

# Default colors and also border colors
default_color white
#default_shade_color black
#default_outline_color white
own_window_colour white

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x 35
gap_y 50

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# number of cpu samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
cpu_avg_samples 4

# number of net samples to average
# set to 1 to disable averaging
net_avg_samples 2

# Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
override_utf8_locale yes

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer none

TIME ${hr 2}
${alignc 35}${font Arial Black:size=20}${time %H:%M}${font}

SYSTEM ${hr 2}
Kernel  ${alignr}${kernel}
RAM ${alignr}$memperc%
CPU Freq ${alignr}${freq} Mhz
CPU1 - ${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr}CPU2 - ${cpu cpu2}%
CPU3 - ${cpu cpu3}% ${alignr}CPU4 - ${cpu cpu4}%
Uptime ${alignr}${uptime}

STORAGE ${hr 2}
${voffset -5}Home:
${voffset 4}${fs_free /home}/${fs_size /home} ${alignr}${fs_bar 9,60 /home}
${voffset -5}Data:
${voffset 4}${fs_free /mnt/data}/${fs_size /mnt/data} ${alignr}${fs_bar 9,60 /mnt/data}

NETWORK ${hr 2}
${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
${voffset -6} Up ${alignr}${upspeed eth0} kb/s
${voffset 4} Down ${alignr}${downspeed eth0} kb/s
${voffset 4} Upload ${alignr}${totalup eth0}
${voffset 4} Download ${alignr}${totaldown eth0}
${voffset 4} Local Ip ${alignr}${addr eth0}
${voffset 4} Public Ip ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/evasivefr/.scripts/conky/}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth1}
${voffset -6} Up ${alignr}${upspeed eth1} kb/s
${voffset 4} Down ${alignr}${downspeed eth1} kb/s
${voffset 4} Upload ${alignr}${totalup eth1}
${voffset 4} Download ${alignr}${totaldown eth1}
${voffset 4} Local Ip ${alignr}${addr eth1}
${voffset 4} Public Ip ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/evasivefr/.scripts/conky/}
${endif}${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${voffset -6} Up ${alignr}${upspeed wlan0} kb/s
${voffset 4} Down ${alignr}${downspeed wlan0} kb/s
${voffset 4} Upload ${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
${voffset 4} Download ${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
${voffset 4} Signal ${alignr}${wireless_link_qual wlan0}%
${voffset 4} Local Ip ${alignr}${addr wlan0}
${voffset 4} Public Ip ${alignr}${execi 3600 /home/evasivefr/.scripts/conky/}
Network Unavailable

TEMP ${hr 2}
M/B - ${platform f71882fg.2560 temp 2} .0°C ${alignr}GPU - ${exec nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep '):' | awk '{print $4}'}0 °C
CPU1 - ${platform coretemp.0 temp 1} .0°C ${alignr}CPU2 - ${platform coretemp.1 temp 1} .0°C
CPU3 - ${platform coretemp.2 temp 1} .0°C ${alignr}CPU4 - ${platform coretemp.3 temp 1} .0°C

COOLING ${hr 2}
CPU1: ${platform f71882fg.2560 fan 1} RPM ${alignr}CPU2: ${platform f71882fg.2560 fan 2} RPM

Thanks !

PS: If you see any others errors (syntax, or other) please tell me smile

Sorry for my english... I'm a french user !
If you don't understand what I say, just ask me ^^


#2 2009-06-13 12:13:44

From: Minot, ND
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 604

Re: [HELP] Conky: one or more $endif's are missing

Just in playing with it, I added an extra ${endif} at the end of the network section and the error went away.   Since I only have one network connection, I don't know if it breaks something else or not.



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