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How to add new compiler (fpc) in gvim compilers list? Or how to setup hotkeys in gvim?
I can't answer your q, but I set gvims theme and fonts in the file "~/.gvimrc" , you could try and search for it,
good luck
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Not sure what you mean by changing compiler but I'll assume you know at least somehow your way around vim. If that's the case, try doing in Normal Mode :h 'makeprg' and see if that's what you're looking for. About the hotkeys, try, again in Normal Mode, :h mapping.
Hope that helps.
Oh and by the way if you want to add your changes so they become permanent just add them to your ~/.gvimrc, for example add a line like this : set makeprg=fpc or something like that.
Thnx! It is that i want . But i have a question: that var contains name of current file? Then i add only 'set makeprg=fpc', the ':make' return help of 'fpc' command(like it runs without params).
Question resolved:
set makeprg=fpc -v0 -l- %
set errorformat=%f(%l,%c) %m
Pages: 1