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in respect to this thread:
tomk, thank you for you answer in the above thread and for closing it.
I can see you're pretty upset about this topic and folks not reading the news. Well the news made me ask the question which was answer by arkham.
Nowhere in any threads that I had the time to search mentioned about the upgrading affecting older kernels so I simply wanted to know before doing so. I didn't have the time to read all the threads.
Thank you for the link you suggested to read and the paragraph you pointed out but I knew that.
So please forgive me for being annoying but my question was answered by arkham.
Thanx guys.:)
Last edited by funkmuscle (2009-06-28 17:35:18)
arkham's answer was wrong. The upgrade in question is for the module-init-tools package, and therefore affects all kernel on your system.
ok, I see then but I followed it and my rt-2.6.29 was not affected so that's a bonus.
so it looks like the module-init-tools upgrade didn't affect older kernels... well it didn't mine.
Yes, everyone should read the news because it does state clearly what to do with the modprobe issues. I did all that before rebooting.
thanx again guys.
The upgrade concerned module-init-tools, which is what allows programs and users to load kernel modules. The kernel itself has nothing to do with it; whether you use an relavitely old kernel or not, it will still have to rely on the same module-init-tools (unless there is some incompatibility, in which case a separate package would need to be provided by the rt kernel packagers) so your issue is really a non-issue.
If you are curious: my mom's box runs a 2.6.22 build, and it has the latest module-init-tools. The box didn't even blink.
Why do people always ask 'will it work'? The best learning method is trial and error, but it seems to instill a holy fear into a lot of users of this rolling distro.
Maybe some introspection is needed?
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the reason I asked that is because I need the rt kernel and once or twice before after an upgrade, the rt kernel didn't work so I just wanted to know.
I've always gone by the Trial and error method. in fact, using Arch is based on that due to it's cutting bleed edge method and style.
Guys, I know all of the above. I just wanted to know if or clarify that if I update the module-init-tools and the new kernel if it would affect the older one.
I just didn't know if the module-init-tools was geared towards the new kernel or not. And yes, I did ask this question at the arch proaudio forum also where the rt kernel packager is a member too.
Guys, my question was answered and the situation or issue never happened. arkham may not of addressed the issue but I asked the question and what he answered was what I wanted.
Thanx again guys.:)
arkham's answer was wrong. The upgrade in question is for the module-init-tools package, and therefore affects all kernel on your system.
I'm sorry? He asked two things:
1) if the modprobe warning was dangerous
2) if his rt kernel could have been affected by the kernel26 upgrade
My reply was:
The modprobe warning is not dangerous, just run
cp /etc/modprobe.conf.pacsave /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf
and rename all the other files in /etc/modprobe.d so that they end in ".conf"
Since you are running both the default kernel and the rt kernel, the update will only change the default kernel, not touching the rt one.
A word of warning though: every update has the potential to break or cause malfunctions; if you need your box to work as expected for some critical mission, don't upgrade wink
Can't see where I was wrong.
"I'm Winston Wolfe. I solve problems."
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arkham, thanx. I did find what I asked in your answer so that's why I said solved...
we're getting carried away with this now so let's forget it. I'm happy because I asked the question because of my concern, not others, and you answered.
Thanx again so let's wrap this up.
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