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Hello people,
As you surely know, I'm trying to fix the Shaman localization fiasco that hurted the 1.2 release. I should be done with at least the english part (not translated, but at least showing the words), but that's not enough. The problem is that somehow all the untranslated entries got marked as translated with a blank line. Hence the problems you all are experiencing. The only way to fix this is to revamp the localization.
So, if you have some spare minutes, helping by finishing the translations marked as "unfinished" in the ts files would help a lot. You can find them here: … anslations (don't mind the folders, just the ts files. Folders are auto generated). After you've done that, you can simply send them to my mail (drf at or, even better, clone shaman1 repo and request a merge.
In the meanwhile, a new Aqpm release fixing freezes and local packages not shown has been pushed. Expect packages very soon.
Thanks a lot, I hope a lot of you will stand out for helping