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Looks good, but a small tip for future endeavours:
The shadow is kind of excessively overpowering. You should tone down the size, opacity, and sharpness.
Also, the light source is coming from the bottom of the image, so shouldn't the shadow be more toward the top of the image?
Last edited by syn (2009-09-04 17:03:29)
Thanks for the tip, but I was thinking about making the shadow less overpowering at the beginning, but decided to let it this way, you will notice, that the shadow is centered and the actual logo is a bit off. That gives balance while moving the motive away from the center. I learned that images most of the time look more interesting when the motive is not exactly centered.
Maybe I exaggerated the shadow a bit^^
About the light source: It's actually above the logo, what you see at the bottom is the reflection on the ground. Seems it's not placed very well.
From your post it seems to me you think I did draw this, but this is a 3d model.
Who we are is but a stepping stone to what we can become.
Try rendering it with Ambient Occ will look much better(and realistic)
I know very little about 3D-modeling. I just know how to photoshop stuff.
And I see about the light source. It's just a little hard to tell, as you can only see the reflection.
Last edited by syn (2009-09-05 00:03:15)
Thanks, here is how it looks with aocc:
For sure it looks better than the first one.
I also made Marvin the paranoid android(see my avatar) and have some problems with the lighting,
I will try rendering that with aocc too.
Last edited by t4k1t (2009-09-05 11:34:52)
Who we are is but a stepping stone to what we can become.