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#1 2009-09-18 01:04:15

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 683

New: Nepomuk/Soprano with Virtuoso backend // Issue: iodbc VS unixodbc

You may have read about the Virtuoso backend which is supposed to solve the performance problems of Soprano/Nepomuk, KDE's semantics and metadata backend. For Sebastian Trüg's blog entries about Virtuoso and the lack of a stable release supporting all necessary features see

While the Virtuoso team is trying to release the new stable version 6.0, the Soprano code in KDE's svn has been updated to be ready for this database as its standard backend. I created two PKGBUILDs, one for Virtuoso and one for Soprano which will bring this (unstable) technology to our Arch desktops. The PKGBUILDs can be found in the AUR, they are called "virtuoso-cvs" and "soprano-virtuoso-svn" (links below).

The PKGBUILDS build well, and, with one minor hurdle, install and run well, too. I did not have the time to research this remaining problem in depth. If you have any idea, please let me know.

The issue is that Soprano seems to link to iodbc instead of unixodbc. Both database driver managers seem to do the same thing. They are even supposed to share configuration files. Nonetheless, on Arch, the packages conflict with one another. Most people will have packages that indirectly depend on unixodbc via apr-util, for example subversion. If I understand correctly, it should be possible to install both driver managers side-by-side, but I did not look into this. Maybe the conflict is a packaging bug? For now, unixodbc needs to be removed by doing "pacman -Rd unixodbc" and then "pacman -S iodbc" to be able to build Soprano. So far, I have not encountered any problems.

Edit: I found apr-util-iodbc on the AUR. Looking at the PKGBUILD it seems like apr-util it can simply be compiled with either iodbc or unixodbc. Maybe we need a meta-package "odbc" like "java-runtime" on which certain packages can depend and which is satisfied by iodbc or unixodbc?



Last edited by mutlu_inek (2009-09-18 02:24:33)


#2 2009-09-19 03:22:17

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 683

Re: New: Nepomuk/Soprano with Virtuoso backend // Issue: iodbc VS unixodbc

Ok, for now I went back to stable soprano with the Sesame2 backend. Virtuoso seems to work, but strigi sometimes stalls on certain files, coinciding with Virtuoso eating up the cpu. Worse, however, is that querying does not work. The nepomuksearch kioslave keeps dying. I debugged it with some help in #nepomuk-kde and it seems to not be able to talk to the storage backend. Whether this is related to soprano or virtuoso being unstable was not immediately apparent to me.

In any case, I will probably try this again in the future and report back.


#3 2009-09-21 19:46:21

From: Germany, L.E. - Leipzig
Registered: 2004-10-17
Posts: 367

Re: New: Nepomuk/Soprano with Virtuoso backend // Issue: iodbc VS unixodbc

same problem here! virtuoso stalls sometimes and querying is not possible! i hope it will work soon, because sesame2 is not usable. it takes ages after cold restart to load all the data and slows down the pc sad

sorry for my bad english smile


#4 2009-10-17 02:18:04

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 182

Re: New: Nepomuk/Soprano with Virtuoso backend // Issue: iodbc VS unixodbc

Is the problems still there. Is there any way to try out soprano with virtuoso.
I have some doubts with the setup. I dont have sesame2 package installed only redland one. That makes redaland my soprano backend right ?
But .kdemod4/share/config/nepomukserverrc says Used Soprano Backend=sesame2.
Can you please the setup?

Last edited by jithin1987 (2009-10-17 02:27:13)



#5 2009-10-17 03:10:04

From: all over the place
Registered: 2006-11-18
Posts: 683

Re: New: Nepomuk/Soprano with Virtuoso backend // Issue: iodbc VS unixodbc

Sesame2 is not a separate package. It is in the soprano package, but only enabled if you have Java installed. There is, however, a packaging bug that makes it not work for some (see If you nepomukserverrc file claims you are using Sesame2, then that is correct.

I haven't tried the Virtuoso backend since Sebastian Trüg submitted the patches which are supposed to make it work. I will once I find the time.


#6 2009-10-21 13:59:14

From: Bangalore
Registered: 2009-09-12
Posts: 182

Re: New: Nepomuk/Soprano with Virtuoso backend // Issue: iodbc VS unixodbc

I have installed soprano-virtuoso from aur. So far no crashes.
But I noticed that its not searching completely.
I have some files with rab ne bana string. When I search from dolphin if I give rab ne it returns data. But if I give rab ne ban it wont.



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