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#1 2009-09-26 13:46:56

Registered: 2007-12-07
Posts: 1,784

Problem with automounting via udev + pmount


I'd like to have a working automounting on my openbox system. I tried skvm, which works quite well, but it doesn't satisfy me, i.e. because it uses the same mount option for every filesystem. I tried ivman, but couldn't make it mount my drives.

Well, googling around I found a way of automounting via a simple udev rule. I liked the idea and it worked really well. But I want pmount to run as user, so I have normal access to the drive. And I actually want to use pmount-hal, because this creates a folder named by the filesystem's label. So I changed it to

ACTION=="add",KERNEL=="sdb*", RUN+="su -l army -c '/usr/bin/pmount-hal %k'"
ACTION=="remove", KERNEL=="sdb*", RUN+="su -l army -c '/usr/bin/pumount %k'"

But it doesn't work this way.

So my question is, what's wrong here?


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