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I've been playing around with Conky and a bash script of mine. Unfortunately Conky displays only static text and not the array-variables in my script.
In my script:
...some code here...
echo "Static text: ${Variable[1]}"
In my conkyrc:
...some code here...
${exec ~/Test/}
The result is: "Static text: ". When running the script from the command line everything is fine. I've also tried with exec, execi, execp, texeci to no avail. Any ideas?
Edit: I had to be more specific.
Last edited by chilebiker (2009-10-06 03:30:20)
Don't panic!
Try echo -n "Static text: ${Variable[1]}"
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
@Lich: Doesn't work either!
Don't panic!